a bibliography for ethnomethodology (-1989)

Compiled by

B.J. Fehr (Thomas Jefferson University), Jeff Stetson (Hosei University), with Yoshifumi Mizukawa (the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) , 1989.

In this bibliography, we have attempted to assemble a comprehensive listing of the published empirical and conceptual work in ethnomethodology. It contains over 1400 independent citation in five languages. You may download and redistribute this bibriography for academic purpose. Any form of commercial use of the bibliography without authers written permission is strictly prohibited.

If you have any suggestion, please contact : mizukawa[at]emca.net

We thank supervision/support by Jeff Coulter (Boston University), C. Jack Orr (West Chester University), Anita Pomerantz (now at Temple University), Max Atkinson (now at Henley Polytechnic), George Psathas (Boston University)Clifford R. Michel (then of the University of Alaska - Fairbanks), Mikako Sato (Boston Univerisity), Yoshimitsu Fujimori (Boston University)Paul ten Have (Universiteit van Amsterdam), John Heritage (University of California - Los Angeles) D. Rodney Watson (University of Manchester), James Heap (University of Toronto), Deirdre Boden (Washington University), Wes Sharrock (University of Manchester), Gail Jefferson (Rinsumageest, The Netherlands), Don H. Zimmerman (University of California, Santa Barbara), Jean Widmer (University of Fribourg), Michael Moerman (University of California, Los Angeles), Robert Hopper (University of Texas, Austin) Darleen Douglas-Steele and Stephen Johnson. (institutions as of 1989)


Abercrombie, N. (1974). Sociological indexicality. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 4(1), 89-95.
Adato, A. (1979). Unanticipated topic continuations. Human Studies, 2, 171-186.
Adato, A. (1980). "Occasionality" as a constituent feature of the known-in-common character of topics. Human Studies, 3, 47-64.
Albert, E. (1982). Ethnomethodology: The audience that knows the speech discovers it. In T. McCormack (Ed.) Culture, code and content analysis, Vol. 2: Studies in Communications. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Anderson, D.C. (1978). Some organizational features in the local production of a plausible text. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 8, 113-135.
Anderson, D.C. (1978). Social work reports and the grammar of organizational reaction. Analytic Sociology, 1(3), D�7-F�1. [ʱ] 
Anderson, D.C. (1979). Stories and arguments: Narrative assembly and contrastive characterization as contributive features to the local organization of a sociology text. Pragmatics Microfiche.
Anderson, D.C., and Sharrock, W.W. (1979). Biasing the news: Technical issues in 'media studies'. Sociology, 13(3), 367-385. [Reprinted in Wilhoit (Ed.) (1981). Sage Yearbook of Communication Studies.] [Part 1 of 4 part debate. See: G. Murdock, 1980; N. McKeganey and B. Smith, 1980; and W.W. Sharrock and D.C. Anderson, 1982.]
Anderson, D.C., and Sharrock, W.W. (1981). Irony as a methodological convenience, A sketch of four variations. Analytic Sociology, 2(4). [ʱ] [Version in: E.L. Wright (Ed.) (1984). Irony. London, UK: Harvester.]
Anderson, R.J. (1977). Research activities and professional practices. Analytic Sociology, 1(1). [ʱ]
Anderson, R.J. (1978). Social interaction. In R. Meighan et al. (Eds.) Perspectives on society. Nelson.
Anderson, R.J. (1978). Listening to conversation. In R. Meighan et al. (Eds.) Perspectives on society. Nelson.
Anderson, R.J. (1978). Rescuing Schutz from the role theorists. Manchester Sociology Occasional Papers, No. 1. [ʲ]
Anderson, R.J. (1984). The empirical study of power. In R.J. Anderson, and W.W. Sharrock (Eds.) Applied sociological perspectives (pp. 167-189). London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Anderson, R.J. (1987). The reality problem in games and simulations. In D. Crookall, C. Greenblat, J. Klabbers, and A. Coote (Eds.) Simulation-gaming in the late 1980's. Oxford, UK: Pergamon.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A., and Sharrock, W.W. (1984). Wittgenstein and comparative sociology. Inquiry, 27 (1/2), 268-276.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A., and Sharrock, W.W. (1985). The sociology game: An introduction to sociological reasoning. London, UK: Longman. [Review: R.K. Brown, Sociology, 1986, 20(1), 95-96.]
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A., and Sharrock, W.W. (1985). The relationship between ethnomethodology and phenomenology. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 16(1), 221-235.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A., and Sharrock, W.W. (1986). Philosophy and the human sciences. Totowa, NJ: Barnes and Noble Books.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A., and Sharrock, W.W. (1987). Executive problem finding: Some material and initial observations. Social Psychology Quarterly, 50(2), 143-159.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A., and Sharrock, W.W. (1987). Classic disputes in sociology. London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A., and Sharrock, W.W. (1987). Some initial problems with the strong programme in the sociology of knowledge. Manchester Polytechnic Occasional Papers, No. 1.
Anderson, R.J., Hughes, J.A., and Sharrock, W.W. (forthcoming). Working for profits. Aldershot, UK: Avebury.  
Anderson, R.J., and Sharrock, W.W. (1981). Aspects of the distribution of work tasks in medical encounters. Analytic Sociology, 2(4). [ʱ]
Anderson, R.J., and Sharrock, W.W. (1982). Sociological work: Some procedures sociologists use for organizing phenomena. Social Analysis, No. 11, 79-92.
Anderson, R.J., and Sharrock, W.W. (1984). Analytic work: Aspects of the organization of conversational data. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 14(1), 103-124.
Anderson, R.J., and Sharrock, W.W. (1984). Under the influence. Philosophy, 59, 385-388.
Anderson, R.J., and Sharrock, W.W. (Eds.) (1984). Applied sociological perspectives. London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Anderson, R.J., and Sharrock, W.W. (1986). Methodological tokenism, or Are good intentions enough? Semiotica, 58 (1/2), 1-27.
Anderson, W.T. (1986). The apostolic function of the dentist. In S. Fisher and A. Todd (Eds.) Discourse and institutional authority: Medicine, education, and law (pp. 78-90). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Anderson, W.T. (1989). Dentistry as an activity system: Sequential properties of the dentist-patient encounter. In D.T. Helm, W.T. Anderson, A.J. Meehan, and A.W. Rawls (Eds.) The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order (pp. 81-97). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers. 
Atkinson, J.M. (1971). Societal reactions to suicide: The role of coroners' definitions. In S. Cohen (Ed.) Images of deviance (pp. 165-191). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Atkinson, J.M. (1973). Status integration, suicide and pseudo-science. Sociology, 4, 251-264.
Atkinson, J.M. (1974). Versions of deviance. Sociological Review, 22, 616-625.
Atkinson, J.M. (1978). Discovering suicide: Studies in the social organization of sudden death. London, UK: Macmillan Press and Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Atkinson, J.M. (1979). Sequencing and shared attentiveness to court proceedings. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 257-286). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Atkinson, J.M. (1981). Ethnomethodological approaches to socio-legal studies. In A. Podgorecki and C.J. Whelan (Eds.) Sociological approaches to law (pp. 201-223). London, UK: Croom Helm.
Atkinson, J.M. (1982). Understanding formality: The categorization and production of 'formal' interaction. British Journal of Sociology, 33(1), 86-117.
Atkinson, J.M. (1983). Two devices for generating audience approval: A comparative study of public discourse and texts. In K. Ehlich et al. (Eds.) Connectedness in sentence, text and discourse (pp. 199-236). Tilburg, Nederland: Tilburg Papers in Language and Literature, No. 4. [ʳ]
Atkinson, J.M. (1984). Public speaking and audience responses: Some techniques for inviting applause. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 370-409). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Atkinson, J.M. (1984). Our masters' voices: The language and body language of politics. London, UK and New York, NY: Methuen. [Review: M. Phillipson in Sociology, 1985, 19(2), 295-297.]
Atkinson, J.M. (1985). Refusing invited applause: Preliminary observations from a case study of charismatic oratory. In T. A. van Dijk (Ed.)  Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. 3: Discourse and dialogue (pp. 161-181). London, UK: Academic Press.
Atkinson, J.M. (1986). The 1983 election and the demise of live oratory. In I. Crewe, and M. Harrop (Eds.) Political communications: The general election campaign of 1983.  Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Atkinson, J.M. (forthcoming). A comparative analysis of formal and informal courtroom interaction. In P. Drew and J. Heritage (Eds.) Talk at work. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Atkinson, J.M., and Drew, P. (1979). Order in court: The organisation of verbal interaction in judicial settings. London, UK: Macmillan Press and Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press. Atkinson, J.M., and Heritage, J.C. (Eds.) (1984). Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [Reviews: D.R. Watson, Sociology 1985, 19(4), 624-626; J. Whalen, Contemporary Sociology, 1987, 16, 753-756.]
Atkinson, M.A. (1980). Some practical uses of "a natural lifetime". Human Studies, 3, 33-46.
Atkinson, M.A., Cuff, E.C., and Lee, J.R.E. (1978). The recommencement of a meeting as a member's accomplishment. In J. Schenkein (Ed.) Studies in the organization of conversational interaction (pp. 133-153). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Atkinson, P.A. (1981). Inspecting classroom talk. In C. Adelman (Ed.) Uttering, muttering, collection, using and reporting talk for social and educational research. Grant McIntyre.
Atkinson, P.A. (1985). Talk and identity: Some convergences in micro-sociology. In H.J. Helle and S.N. Eisenstadt (Eds.) Micro-sociological theory (pp. 117-132). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Atkinson, P.A. (1988). Ethnomethodology: A critical review. Annual review of sociology, 14, 441-465.
Atkinson, P.A., and Heath, C.C. (Eds.) (1981). Medical work: Realities and routines. Farnborough, UK: Gower. [Review: D. Helm, Social Science and Medicine, 1983, 17, 51-52.]
Attewell, P. (1974). Ethnomethodology since Garfinkel. Theory and Society, 1, 179-210. [See discussion by M. Peyrot (1982) in Human Studies.]
Auer, P. (1979). Referenzierungssequenzen in Konversationen: Das Beispiel Ortsangaben [Reference-establishing sequences in conversation: Local terms]. LB, 62, 94-106.
Auer, P. (1981). Einige konversationsanalytische Aspekte der Organisation von 'Code-Switching' unter italienischen Immigrantenkindern. Revue de Phonڴique appliquڥ, 58, 126-148.
Auer, P. (1981). Wie und warum untersucht man Konversation zwischen Aphasikern und Normalsprechern?: Zur Anwendung der Konversationsanalyse in der Aphasietherapieforschung [How and why do we investigate conversation between aphasics and normal speakers?: Uses of conversation analysis in research on aphasia therapy]. In G. Peuser und S. Winter (Hrsg.) Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft (pp. 480-512). Bonn: Bouvier.
Auer, P. (1981). Zur indexikalitɴsmarkierenden Funktion der demonstrativen Artikelform in deutschen Konversationen [The indexicality marking function of the demonstrative article in German conversation]. In G. Hinkelang und W. Zillig (Hrsg.) Sprache: Verstehen und Handeln (pp. 301-311). TĢingen: Niemeyer.
Auer, P. (1982). Transferierte Rituale in bilingualen Interaktionen italienischer Migrantenkinder [Transferred rituals in bilingual interactions of Italian immigrant children]. In K.-H. Bausch (Hrsg.) Mehrsprachigkeit in der Stadtregion (pp. 194-224). Dijseldorf, Schwann.
Auer, P. (1983). ?berlegungen zur Bedeutung der Namen aus einer 'realistischen' Sichtweise [Thoughts on proper names from a 'realistic' point of view]. In M. Faust et al. (Hrsg.) Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft: Sprachtypologie und Textlinguistik (pp. 173-186). TĢingen: Narr.
Auer, P. (1984). Bilingual conversation. Amsterdam, Nederland: Benjamins. [Reviews: N.R. Mahecha, Language, 62(4), 953-954; M. Heller, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1988, 10.]
Auer, P. (1984). On the meaning of conversational code-switching. In P. Auer and A. di Luzio (Eds.) Interpretive sociolinguistics (pp. 87-112). TĢingen: Narr.
Auer, P. (1984). Referential problems in conversation. Journal of Pragmatics, 8, 627-648.
Auer, P. (1985). Code-switching and transfer among Italian migrant children in West Germany: A summary. Studi Emigrazione, Nr. 79, 298-314.
Auer, P. (1986). Kontextualisierung [Contextualization]. Studium Linguistik, 19, 22-47.
Auer, P. (1986). Phonologische und konversationelle Aspekte von Standard/Dialekt-Kontinua [Phonological and conversational aspects of code-switching]. Deutsche Sprache.
Auer, P. (1987). Le transfert comme strategie conversationnelle dans le discours en 'L2'. In G. Ludi (Ed.) Devenir bilingue - parler bilingue (pp. 57-75). TĢingen, Niemeyer.
Auer, P. (1987). A conversation analytic approach to code-switching and transfer. In M. Heller (Ed.) Code-switching: Anthropological and linguistic perspectives. Berlin: Mouton.
Auer, P. (1988). Liebeserklɲungen, oder: ?ber die M?hkeiten einen unm?hen Handlungstyp zu realisieren [Love declarations, or: Some possibilities to realize an impossible activity]. Sprache und Literatur, 61, 11-31.
Auer, P., and di Luzio, A. (1984). Interpretive sociolinguistics. TĢingen, BRD: Narr.
Auer, P. (mit A. di Luzio) (1986). Identitɴskonstitution in der Migration: Konversationanalytische und linguistische Aspekte ethnischer Stereotypisierungen [The constitution of identity in migration: Conversation-analytic and linguistic aspects of ethnic stereotyping]. LB, 104, 327-351.
Auer, P., and di Luzio, A. (forthcoming). The contextualization of language. Amsterdam, Nederland: Benjamins.
Auer, P. (mit S. Uhmann) (1982). Aspekte der konversationellen Organisation von Bewertungen [Aspects of the conversational organization of assessments]. Deutsche Sprache, 1,1-31.
Avison, N.H., and Wilson, R.J. (Eds.) (1974). Ethnomethodology, labeling theory and deviant behavior. London.

Baccus, M.D. (1986). Sociological indication and the visibility criterion of real word theorizing. In H. Garfinkel (Ed.) Ethnomethodological studies of work (pp. 1-19). London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Baccus, M.D. (1986). Multipiece truck wheel accidents and their regulations. In H. Garfinkel (Ed.) Ethnomethodological studies of work (pp. 20-59). London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Baker, C.D. (1982). The adolescent as theorist: An interpretive view. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 11(3), 167-181.
Baker, C.D. (1982). Adolescent-Adult talk as a practical interpretive problem. In G.C.F. Payne and E.C. Cuff (Eds.) Doing teaching: The practical management of classrooms (pp. 104-125). London,UK: Batsford.
Baker, C.D. (1983). The 'age of consent' controversy: Age and gender as social practice. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 19(1), 96-112.
Baker, C.D. (1983). A 'second look' at interviews with adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 12(6), 501-519.
Baker, C.D. (1984). The "search for adultness": Membership work in adolescent-adult talk. Human Studies, 7(3/4), 301-324.
Baker, C.D. (in press). Knowing things and saying things: How the natural world is discursively fabricated on a documentary film set. Journal of Pragmatics.
Baker, C.D., and Davies, B. (1989). A lesson on sex roles. Gender and Education, 1(1), 61-78.
Baker, C.D., and Freebody, P. (1986). Representations of questioning and answering in children's first school books. Language in Society, 15(4), 451-484.
Baker, C.D., and Freebody, P. (1987). 'Constituting the child' in beginning school reading books. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 8(1), 55-76.
Baker, C.D., and Freebody, P. (1988). Talk around text: Constructions of textual and teacher authority in classroom discourse. In S. DeCastell, A. Luke and C. Luke (Eds.) Language, authority and criticism: Readings on the school textbook (pp. 263-283). London, UK: Falmer Press.
Baker, C.D., and Perrott, C. (1988). The news session in infants and primary classrooms. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 9(1), 19-38.
Bar-Hillel, Y. (1954). Indexical expressions. Mind, 63, 359-379. 
Barnes, B. (1981). On the conventional character of knowledge and cognition. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 11, 303-333.
Barnes, B. (1985). Essay Review: Ethnomethodology as science. Social Studies of Science, 15(4), 751-761.
Barnes, B., and Law, J. (1976). Whatever should be done with indexical expressions? Theory and Society, 3, 223-237.
Baross, Z. (1981). 'Kiss-ass talk': A move in the language game of servants and masters. Semiotica, 34, 71-89.
Baugh, K., and Mohan, R.P. (1985). Husserl, Schutz and Garfinkel: Some continuities and contrasts. Quarterly Journal of Ideology, 9(1), 2-12.
Baumann, Z. (1973). On the philosophical status of ethnomethodology. The Sociological Review, 21, 5-23.
Beach, W.A. (1982). Everyday interaction and its practical accomplishment: Progressive developments in ethnomethodological research. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 68, 314-327.
Beach, W.A. (1983). Background understandings and the situated accomplishment of conversational telling-expansions. In R. Craig and K. Tracy (Eds.) Conversational coherence (pp. 196-221). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. 
Beach, W.A. (1989). Foreward: Sequential organization of conversational activities. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 53(2), 85-90.
Beach, W.A. (in press). Orienting to the phenomenon. In J. Anderson (Ed.) Communication yearbook 13. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Bellman, B.L. (1975). Village of curers and assassins: On the production of Fala Kpelle cosmological categories. The Hague: Mouton.
Bellman, B.L. (1978). Ethnohermeneutics: On the interpretation of intended meaning in Kpelle accounts. In McCormack and Warm (Eds.) Language and mind. The Hague: Mouton.
Bellman, B.L. (1979). The social organization of knowledge in Kpelle ritual. In B. Jules-Rosette (Ed.) The new religions of Africa.  Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Bellman, B.L., and Jules-Rosette, B. (1978).  A paradigm for looking: Cross-cultural research with visual media. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. 
Bellman, B.L. (1981). The paradox of secrecy. Human Studies, 4, 1-24.
Benson, D. (1974). Reply to Goldthorpe. Sociology, 8, 124-133. [See: J.H. Goldthorpe, 1973 and 1974.]
Benson, D., and Drew, P. (1978). "Was there firing in Sandy Row that night?": Some features of the organisation of disputes about recorded facts. Sociological Inquiry, 48, 89-100.
Benson, D., and Hughes, J.A. (1983). The perspective of ethnomethodology. London, UK: Longman.
Berg, W.M. (1979). Crisis or quandary in social psychology: Warranting the ethnomethodological approach. Free Inquiry in Creative Sociology, 7, 142-147,150.
Berg, W.M., and Ross, J.M. (1982). The linguistic organization of public controversy: A note on the pragmatics of political discourse. Human Studies, 5, 237-248.
Bergmann, J.R. (1981). Ethnomethodologische Konversations-analyse. In P. Schr?and H. Steger (Hrsg.) Dialogforschung. Jahrbuch 1980 des Institute fIJ deutsche Sprache (pp. 9-51). Dijseldorf, BRD: Schwann.
Bergmann, J.R. (1981). Frage und Frageparaphrase: Aspekte der redezuginternen und sequentiellen Organisation eines ?usserungsformats [Question and question paraphrase: Aspects of the turn internal and sequential organisation of an utterance format]. In P. Winkler (Hrsg.) Methoden der analyse von Face-to-Face-Situationen (pp. 128-142). Stuttgart, BRD: Metzler.
Bergmann, J.R. (1982). Schweigephasen im Gesprɣh: Aspekte ihrer interaktiven Organisation [Silences in conversation: Aspects of their interactive organisation]. In H.G. Soeffner (Hrsg.) Beitrɧe zu einer empirischen sprachsoziologie (pp. 143-184). TĢingen, BRD: Narr.
Bergmann, J.R. (1985). Flģhtigkieit und methodische Fixierung sozialer Wirklichkeit: Aufzeichnungen als Daten der interpretativen Soziologie [Fleetingness and methodical fixation of social reality: Recordings as data of interpretive sociology]. Soziale Welt, 3, 299-320.
Bergmann, J.R. (1987). Klatsch: Zur Sozialform der diskreten Indiskretion [Gossip: On the social form of discreet indiscretion]. Berlin, BRD: de Gruyter.
Bergmann, J.R. (1987). Klatsch: Zur Beziehungsstruktur und Interaktionsdynamik einer Gattung der alltɧlichen Kommunikation [Gossip: On the relational structure and interactional dynamics of a genre of everyday communication]. Der Deutschunterricht, 39(6), 69-82.
Bergmann, J.R. (1988). Ethnomethodologie und Konversations-analyse. Hagen, BRD: Fernuniversitɴ GHS Hagen.
Bergmann, J.R. (1988). Haustiere als kommunikative Resourcen [Pets as communicative resources]. Soziale Welt, 6, 299-312.
Bergmann, J.R. (forthcoming). Veiled morality: Notes on discretion in psychiatry. In P. Drew and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Talk at work: Language use in institutional settings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Bilmes, J. (1975). Misinformation in verbal accounts: Some fundamental considerations. Man, 10, 60-71.
Bilmes, J. (1976). Meaning and interpretation. Semiotica, 16(2), 115-128.
Bilmes, J. (1976). Rules and rhetoric: Negotiating the social order in a Thai village. Journal of Anthropological Research, 32, 44-57.
Bilmes, J. (1981). Proposition and confrontation in a legal discussion. Semiotica, 34, 251-275.
Bilmes, J. (1982). The joke's on you, Goldilocks: A reinterpretation of The Three Bears. Semiotica, 39, 269-283.
Bilmes, J. (1985). "Why that now?": Two kinds of conversational meaning. Discourse Processes, 8, 319-355.
Bilmes, J. (1986). Discourse and behavior. New York, NY: Plenum Press. [Review: W. Corsaro, Language in Society, 1989, 18(1), 94-97.]
Bilmes, J. (1988). The concept of preference in conversation analysis. Language in society, 17, 161-181.
Bilmes, J. (in press). Category and rule in conversation analysis. Papers in Pragmatics.
Bilmes, J. (with R. Amerine) (1984). Following instructions. Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, 6, 81-87. [Reprinted in Human Studies, 1988, 11, 327-339.]
Bilmes, J., and Boggs, S.T. (1979). Language and communication: The foundations of culture. In A.J. Marsella, T. Ciborowski, and R. Tharp (Eds.) Perspectives on cross-cultural psychology (pp. 47-76). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Bittner, E. (1963). Radicalism and the organization of social movements. American Sociological Review, 28, 928-940.
Bittner, E. (1965). The concept of organization. Social Research, 32, 239-255. [Reprinted in R. Turner (Ed.) (1974). Ethnomethodology (pp. 69-81). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.]
Bittner, E. (1967). The police on skid row: A study of peace keeping. American Sociological Review, 32, 699-715. 
Bittner, E. (1967). Police discretion in emergency apprehension of mentally ill persons. Social Problems, 14, 278-292.
Bittner, E. (1968). The structure of psychiatric influence. Mental Hygiene, 52(3), 423-430.
Bittner, E. (1973). Objectivity and realism in sociology. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Phenomenological Sociology (pp. 109-125). New York: John Wiley Sons.
Bittner, E. (1975). Police research and police work. In E. Viano (Ed.) Criminal justice research.
Bittner, E. (1976). Policing juveniles: The social bases of common practice. In M. Rosenheim (Ed.) Pursing justice for the child.
Bittner, E. (1977). Must we say what we mean? In P. Ostwald (Ed.) Communication and social interaction.
Bittner, E. (1980). Popular interests in psychiatric remedies: A study of social control. New York, NY: Arno Press. 
Bittner, E. (1983). Technique and the conduct of life. Social Problems, 30(3), 249-261.
Bittner, E. (1983). Supervision and accountability in policing. In M. Punch (Ed.) Control in the police organization. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Bittner, E. (with D. Bayley) (1985). Learning the skill of policing. Law and Contemporary Problems, 48.
Bittner, E. (with J. Conklin) (1973). Burglary in a suburb. Criminology, 11.
Bittner, E. (with S. Krantz) (1977). Police handling of juvenile problems. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger.
Bittner, E. (with A. Platt) (1966). The meaning of punishment. Issues in Criminology, 2.
Bittner, E. (with S. Silbey) (1982). The availability of law. The Law and Police Quarterly, 4.
Bjelic, D. (1987). On hanging up in telephone conversation. Semiotica, 67(3/4), 195-210.
Bleiberg, S., and Churchill, L. (1975). Notes on confrontation in conversation. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 4, 273-278.
Blum, A.F. (1970). Theorizing. In J.D. Douglas (Ed.) Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge (pp. 305-323). Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Co.
Blum, A.F. (1970). The sociology of mental illness. In J.D. Douglas (Ed.) Deviance and respectability. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Blum, A.F. (1970). The corpus of knowledge as a normative order: Intellectual critiques of the social order of knowledge and the commonsense features of bodies of knowledge. In J.C. McKinney and E.A. Tiryakian (Eds.) Theoretical sociology. New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Blum, A.F., and McHugh, D. (1971). The social ascription of motives. American Sociological Review, 36, 98-109. [See discussion by J. Coulter (1979). The social construction of mind p. 55ff.]
Boden, D. (1985). Review: Conversation: How talk is organized, by Margaret McLaughlin. Contemporary Sociology, 14(4), 464-465.
Boden, D. (forthcoming). The business of talk: Organizations in action. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Boden, D. (forthcoming). People are talking. In H.S. Becker, and M. McCall (Eds.) Symbolic interaction and cultural studies. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Boden, D., and Bielby, D.B. (1983). The past as resource: A conversational analysis of elderly talk. Human Development, 26(4), 308-319.
Boden, D., and Bielby, D.B. (1986). The way it was: Topical organization in elderly conversation. Language and Communication, 6, 1-2 and 73-89.
Boden, D., and Zimmerman, D.H. (Eds.) (forthcoming). Talk and social structure: Studies in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Bogen, D.E. (1989). A reappraisal of Habermas' Theory of Communication in light of detailed investigations of social praxis. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 19(1). 
Bogen, D.E., and Lynch, M. (1989). Taking account of the hostile native: Plausible deniability and the production of conventional history in the Iran-contra hearings. Social Problems, 36(3), 197-224.
Borzeix, A. (1987). Ce que parler peut faire [What talking can do]. Sociologie du travail, No. 2, 157-176.
Borzeix, A. (1987). La negociation ordinaire [Ordinary negotiations in films]. Connexions, No. 50, 97-107.
Brannigan, A. (1981). The social basis of scientific discoveries. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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Brewer, J.D. (1979). Is a phenomenological sociology possible?: The ethnomethodological solution. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Sociologie, 20, 24-35.
Brockopp, G.W. (1973). The telephone call: Conversation or therapy. In D. Lester and G.W. Brockopp (Eds.) Crisis intervention and counselling by telephone. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Pub.
Brotz, H. (1974). Theory and practice: Ethnomethodology versus humane ethnography. Jewish Journal of Sociology, 16, 225-236.
Bruce, S., and Wallis, R. (1983). Rescuing motives. British Journal of Sociology, 34(1), 61-71. [Part 1 in 4 part debate. See: W.W. Sharrock and D.R. Watson, 1984 and 1986.]
Bruce, S., and Wallis, R. (1985). 'Rescuing motives' rescued: A reply to Sharrock and Watson. British Journal of Sociology, 36(3), 467-470. [Part 3 in 4 part debate. See: W.W. Sharrock and D.R. Watson, 1984 and 1986.]
Buttny, R. (1986). The ascription of meaning: A Wittgensteinian perspective. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 72, 261-273.
Buttny, R. (1987). Sequence and practical reasoning in accounts episodes. Communication Quarterly, 35, 125-143.
Button, G. (1978). Remarks on conversation analysis. Analytic Sociology, 1(2), D�9-E14. [ʱ]
Button, G. (1987). Moving out of closings. In G. Button and J.R.E. Lee (Eds.) Talk and social organization (pp. 101-151). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Button, G. (1987). Answers as interactional products: Two sequential practices used in interviews. Social Psychology Quarterly, 50(2), 160-171.
Button, G. (1988/1989). Review of research on language and social interaction in the U.K. Research on language and social interaction, 22, 327-346. [ʴ]
Button, G. (in press). On varieties of closings. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Interaction competence (pp. 93-148). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Button, G. (forthcoming). Conversation-in-a-series. In D. Boden and D.H. Zimmerman (Eds.) Talk and social structure. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Button, G. (forthcoming). Design specifications for a turn at talk in a job-interview. In P. Drew and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Talk at work: Language use in institutional settings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Button, G. (Ed.) (forthcoming). Ethnomethodology and the human sciences: A foundational reconstruction. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Button, G., and Casey, N. (1984). Generating topic: The use of topic initial elicitors. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 167-190). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Button, G., and Casey, N. (1985). Topic nomination and topic pursuit. Human Studies, 8(1), 3-55.
Button, G., and Casey, N.  (1988/1989). Topic initiation: Business-at-hand. Research on language and social interaction, 22, 61-92. [ʴ]
Button, G., Drew, P., and Heritage, J.C. (1986). Guest editors for a special issue of Human Studies: Interaction and language use, 9(2/2).
Button, G., and Lee, J.R.E. (Eds.) (1987). Talk and social organization. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Chua, B-H. (1974). On the commitments of ethnomethodology. Sociological Inquiry, 44(4), 241-256.
Chua, B-H. (1974). On roles, rules and interpretive understanding. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 4, 71-87.
Chua, B-H. (1974). Comment on Mayrl. Catalyst, 8, 76-85. [See: W.M. Mayrl, 1973, 1974; R.G. Wegmann, 1974.]
Chua, B-H. (1977). Delineating a Marxist interest in ethnomethodology. The American Sociologist, 12, 24-32.
Chua, B-H. (1978). Sociology and the linguistic distance: A comment. Philosophy and Social Criticism, 5, 174-190.
Churchill, L. (1971). Ethnomethodology and measurement. Social Forces, 50, 182-191.
Churchill, L. (1972-3). The grammar of questioning. In R.W. Shuy (Ed.) 23rd Georgetown University Roundtable on Language and Linguistics. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Churchill, L. (1978). Questioning strategies in sociolinguistics. Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers, Inc.  Cicourel, A.V. (1964). Method and measurement in sociology. New York, NY: Free Press. [German translation: (1970). Methode und Messung in der Soziologie. Frankfurt.]
Cicourel, A.V. (1967). Fertility, family planning and the social organization of family life: Some methodological issues. Journal of Social Issues, 23, 57-81.
Cicourel, A.V. (1967). Kinship, marriage, and divorce in comparative family law. Law and Society Review, 1. 
Cicourel, A.V. (1967). The acquisition of social structure: Toward a developmental sociology of language and meaning. Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, Vol. 9.  [Reprinted in J.D. Douglas (Ed.) (1970). Understanding everyday life (pp. 136-168). Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Co.] [Also reprinted in A.V. Cicourel (1974). Cognitive sociology: Language and meaning in social interaction (pp. 42-73). New York, NY: The Free Press.]
Cicourel, A.V. (1968). The social organization of juvenile justice. New York: John Wiley  Sons. [Excerpted version, Police practices and official records. In R. Turner (Ed.) (1974). Ethnomethodology (pp. 112-123). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.] [Review: J. Lemson, Sociological Quarterly, 1973, 10, 546; P.E. Rock, British Journal of Sociology, 1968, 19, 474-475.]
Cicourel, A.V. (1970). Language as a variable in social research. Sociological Focus, 3(2).
Cicourel, A.V. (1970). Basic and normative rules in the negotiation of status and role. In H.P. Dreitzel (Ed.) Recent sociology No. 2: Patterns of communicative behavior (pp. 4-45). New York, NY: Macmillan Press. [Reprinted in D.N. Sudnow (Ed.) (1972). Studies in social interaction (pp. 229-258). New York, NY: Free Press.] [Also reprinted as: Interpretive procedures and normative rules in the negotiation of status and role. In A.V. Cicourel (1974). Cognitive sociology: Language and meaning in social interaction (pp. 11-41). New York, NY: The Free Press.] [German translation: (1981). Basisregeln und normative Regeln im Prozess des Aushandelns von Status und Rolle.  In Arbeitsgruppe Bielefelder Soziologen (Hrsg.) Alltagswissen, Interaktion und gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit (pp. 147-188). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.]
Cicourel, A.V. (1970). Generative semantics and the structure of social interaction. In International Days of Sociolinguistics. Rome, Italy: Luigi Sturzo Institute. [Reprinted in A.V. Cicourel (1974). Cognitive sociology: Language and meaning in social interaction (pp. 74-98). New York, NY: The Free Press.]
Cicourel, A.V. (1972). Ethnomethodology. In T.A. Sebeck, et al. (Eds.) Current trends in linguistics, Vol. 12. The Hague, Nederland: Mouton. [Reprinted in A.V. Cicourel (1974). Cognitive sociology: Language and meaning in social interaction (pp. 99-140). New York, NY: The Free Press.]
Cicourel, A.V. (1973). Cross-modal communication: The representational context of sociolinguistic information processing. In R. Shuy (Ed.) Report of the 23rd Annual Georgetown Roundtable in Linguistics. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press. [Reprinted in A.V. Cicourel (1974). Cognitive sociology: Language and meaning in social interaction (pp. 141-171). New York, NY: The Free Press.]
Cicourel, A.V. (1973). Memory and interviewing. In C. Cherry (Ed.) Theory and decision. Dordrecht, Nederland: Reidel.
Cicourel, A.V. (1974). Cognitive sociology: Language and meaning in social interaction. New York, NY: Free Press. [Review: E.C. Cuff, Sociology, 1974, (April).] [German translation: (1975). Sprache in der sozialen Interaktion. MĮchen, BRD: Paul List Verlag.]
Cicourel, A.V. (1974). Theory and method in a study of Argentine fertility. New York: Wiley.
Cicourel, A.V. (1974). Gestural sign language and the study of nonverbal communication. Sign Language Studies, 4, 35-76.
Cicourel, A.V. (1975). Discourse, and text: Cognitive and linguistic processes in studies of social structure. Versus, 12, 33-84.
Cicourel, A.V. (1975). A response from Aaron Cicourel to the review of his Argentine fertility study. Contemporary Sociology, 5, 397-399.
Cicourel, A.V. (1978). Language and society: Cognitive, linguistic aspects of language use. Sozialwiss. Annual, 2, B25-58.
Cicourel, A.V. (1978). Interpretation and summarization: Issues in the child's acquisition of social structure. In J. Glick, and K.A. Clarke-Stewart (Eds.) The development of social understanding (pp. 251-281). Gardner.
Cicourel, A.V. (1979). Speech acts and conversations: Bringing language back into sociology. Contemporary Sociology, 8(2), 168-170.
Cicourel, A.V. (1980). Language and social interaction: Philosophical and empirical issues. Sociological Inquiry, 50(3/4), 1-30.
Cicourel, A.V. (1980). Three models of discourse analysis: The role of social structure. Discourse Process, 3(2), 101-132.
Cicourel, A.V. (1981). Language and medicine. In C.A. Ferguson and S.B. Heath (Eds.) Language in the USA (pp. 407-429). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Cicourel, A.V. (1981). Notes on the integration of micro- and macro-levels of analysis. In K. Knorr-Cetina, and A.V. Cicourel (Eds.) Analysis in social theory and methodology: Toward an integration of micro- and macro-sociologies (pp. 51-80). Boston, MA: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Cicourel, A.V. (1981). The role of cognitive linguistics: Concepts in understanding everyday social interactions. Annual Review of Sociology, 7, 87-106.
Cicourel, A.V. (1982). Language and belief in a medical setting. In H. Burns (Ed.) Contemporary perspectives of language: Interdisciplinary dimensions. 33rd Round Table on Language and Linguistics. Georgetown University, Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Cicourel, A.V. (1985). Doctor-patient discourse. In T.A. van Dijk (Ed.) Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. 4: Discourse analysis in society (pp. 193-202). London, UK: Academic Press. 
Cicourel, A.V. (1987). The interpretation of communicative contexts: Examples from medical encounters. Social Psychology Quarterly, 50(2), 217-226.
Cicourel, A.V., Jennings, S.H.M., Jennings, K.H., Leiter, K.C.W., Mackay, R., Mehan, H., and Roth, D.R. (1974). Language use and school performance. New York: Wiley.
Cicourel, A.V., and Kitsuse, J.I. (1963). The educational decision makers. New York: Bobbs Merrill.
Clark, H.H., and French, J.W. (1981). Telephone goodbyes. Language in Society, 10(1), 1-19.
Clayman, S.E. (1988). Displaying neutrality in television news interviews. Social Problems, 35(4), 474-492.
Clayman, S.E. (in press, 1989). The production of punctuality: Social interaction, temporal organization, and social structure. American Journal of Sociology.
Clayman, S.E. (forthcoming). News interview openings: Aspects of sequential organization. In P. Scannell (Ed.) Broadcast talk. London, UK: Sage.
Clayman, S.E. (forthcoming). Footing in the achievement of neutrality: The case of news interview discourse. In P. Drew and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Talk at work: Language use in institutional settings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Conein, B. (1985). L'enquƴe sociologique et l'analyse du langage: Les formes linguistiques de la connaissance sociale. Arguments Ethnomڴhodologiques: Probl?mes d'ڰistڭologie en sciences sociales III(pp. 5-30). E.H.E.S.S.
Conein, B. (1985). Actes de parole et organisation des relations sociales: Comment fait-on des offres au tڬڰhone? Rڳeaux, 13, 111-126.
Conein, B. (1986). L'ethnomڴhodologie en France ou le sociologue chez les autophages. Pratiques de Formation, Analyses, 11/12, 103-113.
Conein, B. (Ed.) (1987). Lexique et faits sociaux [The lexicon and social accomplishments]. Lexique, 5.
Conein, B. (1987). Prڳentation: L'interprڴation de l'action en analyse de conversation [Introduction: The interpretation of action in the analysis of conversation]. Lexique, 5, 7-14.
Conein, B. (1987). Quelques formes de l'interprڴation de la conversation dans la conversation [Some forms of interpretation of conversation in conversation]. Lexique, 5, 37-64.a
Corsaro, W. (1979). We're friends, right?: Children's use of access rituals in a nursery school. Language in Society, 8, 315-336.
Corsaro, W. (1985). Friendship and peer culture in the early years. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Coser, L.A. (1975). ASA Presidential Address: Two methods in search of a substance. American Sociological Review, 40(6), 691-700. [See: D.H. Zimmerman, 1976; Treiman, American Sociologist, 11, 27-33; H. Mehan and H. Wood, 1976.]
Coser, L.A. (1976). Reply to my critics. The American Sociologist, 11, 33-38. [See: Coser, 1975; Zimmerman, 1976.]
Coulon, A. (1986). Indexicalitڳ de l'indexicalitڮ Pratiques de Formation, Analyses, 11/12, 57-61.
Coulon, A. (1986). La question de la critique des mڴhodes numڲiques et statistiques en sciences humaines. Pratiques de Formation, Analyses, 11/12, 102-103.
Coulon, A. (1986). Rڦڲences bibliographiques de l'ethnomڴhodologie. Pratiques de Formation, Analyses, 11/12, 197-207.
Coulon, A. (1986). Qu'est-ce que l'ethnomڴhodologie? [What is ethnomethodology?] Quel Corps?, 32-33.
Coulon, A. (1987). L'ethnomڴhodologie. Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France. (Que sais-je? no. 2393) [Spanish edition: (1989). La etnometodologia. Madrid, Spain: Catedra.
Coulon, A. (1988). Ethnomڴhodologie et ڤucation. Revue Fran١ise de Pedagogie, 82.
Coulon, A. (Ed.) (forthcoming). Cahiers Internationaux d'Ethnomڴhodologie. Laboratoire de Recherches Ethnomڴhodologiques, Universitڠde Paris VIII. [First issue to be released Spring, 1989.]
Coulter, J. (1971). Decontextualized meanings: Current approaches to Verstehende investigations. The Sociological Review, 19(3), 301-323. [See expanded version below.]
Coulter, J. (1973). Language and the conceptualization of meaning. Sociology, 7(2), 173-189.
Coulter, J. (1973). Approaches to insanity: A philosophical and sociological study. London, UK: Martin Robertson; New York, NY: John Wiley.
Coulter, J. (1973). Review: Language and social behavior, by W.P. Robinson. Sociology, 7(3),  496-497.
Coulter, J. (1974). Decontextualized meanings: Current approaches to Verstehende investigations. (revised expanded version) In M. Truzzi (Ed.) Verstehen: Subjective understanding in the social sciences (pp.134-164). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Coulter, J. (1974). The ethnomethodological programme in contemporary sociology. The Human Context, 6(1), 103-122. 
Coulter, J. (1974). What's wrong with the New Criminology? The Sociological Review, 22(1), 199-135. [See: Taylor, I., Walton, P., and Young, J. (1973)]
Coulter, J. (1975). Perceptual accounts and interpretive asymmetries. Sociology, 9(3), 385-396.
Coulter, J. (1976). Harvey Sacks: A preliminary appreciation. Sociology, 10(3), 507-512.
Coulter, J. (1976). Theory, madness and membership: Some comments on Ms. Hillier's review. Sociology, 10(2), 317-320.
Coulter, J. (1976).  Review: Social theory as science by R. Keat and J. Urry. The Sociological Review, 24(3), 624-627.
Coulter, J. (1976). Review: Problems of reflexivity and dialectics in sociological inquiry by  B. Sandywell et al. Sociology, 11(1),  216-217.
 Coulter, J. (1977). Transparency of mind: The availability of subjective phenomena. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 7(4), 321-350. [Reprinted in Coulter (1979). The social construction of mind.]
Coulter, J. (1977). Review: New directions in sociology by D.C. Thorn. The Sociological Review, 25(2).
Coulter, J. (1979). The brain as agent. Human Studies, 2(4), 335-348.
Coulter, J. (1979). Beliefs and practical understanding. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 163-186). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Coulter, J. (1979). The social construction of mind: Studies in ethnomethodology and linguistic philosophy.  UK: London, UK: Macmillan Press; USA: Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield. [Reprinted in paperback 1987 London, UK: Macmillan Press.] [Reviews: R. Hanna and staff, The Review of Metaphysics, 1980, (June), 861-864; G.J. Stack, The Modern Schoolman, 1981, 58, 123-127.] [Chapter 7., Affect and social context, reprinted in R. Harrڠ(Ed.) (1985). The social construction of emotion (pp. 120-134). Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell.]
Coulter, J. (Ed.) (1980). Special issue on Ethnomethodology. Human Studies, 3(1).
Coulter, J. (1982). Remarks on the conceptualization of social structure. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 12(1), 33-46.
Coulter, J. (1982). Theoretical problems of cognitive science. Inquiry, 25(1), 3-26.
Coulter, J. (1983). Contingent and a priori structures in sequential analysis. Human Studies, 6(4), 361-376.
Coulter, J. (1983). Rethinking cognitive theory. London, UK: Macmillan Press; New York, NY: St. Martin's Press. [Review: J.A. Hughes, Sociology, 1984, 18(1), 109-110; A.W. McHoul, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 1988, 18, 129-133.]
Coulter, J. (1985). On comprehension and 'mental representation'. In G.N. Gilbert and C.C. Heath (Eds.) Social action and artificial intelligence (pp. 8-23). Aldershot, UK: Gower Press.
Coulter, J. (1985). Two concepts of the mental. In K.J. Gergen and K.E. Davis (Eds.) The social construction of the person (pp. 129-144). New York, NY: Springer-Verlag.
Coulter, J. (1987). Recognition in Wittgenstein and contemporary thought. In M. Chapman and R.A. Dixon (Eds.)  Meaning and the growth of understanding: Wittgenstein's significance for developmental psychology. (pp. 85-102). Berlin, BRD: Springer-Verlag.
Coulter, J. (1989). Cognitive "penetrability" and the emotions. In D. Franks and E.D. McCarthy (Eds.) The sociology of emotion (pp. 33-50). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Coulter, J. (1989). Mind in action. Oxford, UK: Polity Press. 
Coulter, J. (in press). Elementary properties of argument sequences. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Interaction competence (pp. 181-204). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Coulter, J. (forthcoming). Ethnomethodology and the logic of language.  G. Button (Ed.) Ethnomethodology and the human sciences: A foundational reconstruction. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Coulter, J., and Parsons, E.D. (forthcoming). The praxiology of perception: Visual orientations and practical action.  
Cuff, E.C. (1978). Some features of production accounting in the analysis of 'conversational materials'. Analytic Sociology, 1(4), A�3-B�2. [ʱ]
Cuff, E.C. (1980). Some issues in studying the problem of versions in everyday life. Manchester Sociology Occasional Papers, No. 3. [ʲ]
Cuff, E.C. (1981). Methodological issues in a proposed speech exchange system: An empirical case study. Analytic Sociology, 2(3). [Data supplement in Analytic Sociology, 1981, 2(4).] [ʱ]
Cuff, E.C. (1981). Marriage breakdown: Some aspects of the organisation of commonsense knowledge in an account of unit troubles. Analytic Sociology, 2(3).  [ʱ]
Cuff, E.C., and Francis, D.W. (1978). Some features of 'invited stories' about marriage breakdown. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 18.
Cuff, E.C., and Hustler, D. (1982). Stories and story-time in an infant classroom: Some features of language in social interaction. Semiotica, 42(2/4), 119-145.
Cuff, E.C., and Payne, G.C.F. (1984). Perspectives in sociology, 2nd edition. London, UK: Allen & Unwin. [See especially Chapter 5: Ethnomethodology as a perspective (pp. 151-188).]
Cuff, E.C., and Sharrock, W.W. (1985). Meetings. In T.A. van Dijk (Ed.)  Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. 3: Discourse and dialogue (pp. 149-159). London, UK: Academic Press.
Cunningham-Burley, S. (1985). Constructing grandparenthood: Anticipating appropriate action. Sociology, 19(3), 421-436.
Czyzewski, M. (1982). Post-ethnomethodology: Report from a distant outlook. Sociolinguistics Newsletter, 13, 1-3. [ʵ]
Czyzewski, M. (1982). The problem of identity in modern sociology of interaction. Sociolinguistics Newsletter, 13, 4-8. [ʵ]

Darrough, W.D. (forthcoming, 1990). Neutralizing resistance: Probation work as rhetoric. In J.A. Holstein and G. Miller (Eds.) Perspectives on social problems Vol. 2. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Davidson, J.A. (1978). An instance of negotiation in a call closing. Sociology, 12, 123-133.
Davidson, J.A. (1984). Subsequent versions of invitations, offers, requests, and proposals dealing with potential or actual rejection. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 102-128). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Davidson, J.A. (in press). Modifications of invitations, offers and rejections. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Interaction competence (pp.149-180). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Davis, K. (1984). Problem (re)formulation in psychotherapy. Konteksten, nr. 4. Rotterdam, Nederland: Instituut Preventieve en Sociale Psychiatrie, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. [ʶ]
Davis, K. (1986). The process of problem (re)formulation in psychotherapy. Sociology of Health and Illness, 8, 44-74.
Denzin, N.K. (1969). Symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology: A proposed synthesis. American Sociological Review, 34, 922-934. [Revised version in J.D. Douglas (Ed.) (1970). Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge (pp. 259-286). Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Co.] [See D.H. Zimmerman and D.L. Wieder (1970) response.] [See discussion by J. Coulter (1982) in Philosophy of the Social Sciences.]
Desclaux, B. (1980). Lectures en ethnomڴhodologie. Langage et Sociڴڬ 13(5), 35-37.
Dijk, T.A. van (Ed.) (1985). Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. 3: Discourse and dialogue. London, UK: Academic Press. [See especially chapters by: Sacks, Jefferson, Heritage, Mehan, Drew, Cuff and Sharrock, and Atkinson.]
Dingwall, R.W.J. (1975). Correspondence: Ethnomethodology and marxism. Sociology, 9(3), 495-496.
Dingwall, R.W.J. (1976). Accomplishing profession. Sociological Review, 24, 331-348. [Reprinted in M. Wadsworth and D. Robinson (Eds.) (1976). Studies in everyday medical life. London, UK: Martin Robertson.
Dingwall, R.W.J. (1977). The social organisation of health visitor training. London, UK: Croom Helm.
Dingwall, R.W.J. (1980). Orchestrated encounters. Sociology of Health and Illness, 2(2), 151-173.
Dingwall, R.W.J. (1981). The ethnomethodological movement. In G.Payne, R. Dingwall, J. Payne, and M. Carter (Eds.) Sociology and social research (pp. 124-138). London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Dingwall, R.W.J. (1986). The certification of competence: Assessment in occupational socialization. Urban Life, 15(3/4), 367-393.
Dingwall, R.W.J. (1986). Empowerment or enforcement?: Some questions about power and control in divorce mediation. In R. Dingwall and J.M. Eekelaar (Eds.) Divorce mediation and the legal process: British practice and international experience. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Dingwall, R.W.J. (with T. Murray) (1983). Categorization in accident departments: "Good" patients, "bad" patients and "children". Sociology of Health and Illness, 5(2), 127-148.
Dingwall, R.W.J. (with P.M. Strong) (1985). The interactional study of organizations: A critique and reformulation. Urban Life, 14(2), 205-231.
Douglas, J.D. (Ed.) (1970). Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge. Chicage, IL: Aldine Publishing Co. [Reviews: T. Luckman, Contemporary Sociology, 1, 30-32; B. Torode, Economic and Social Review, 1972, 3, 346-349.]
Douglas, J.D. (1970). Understanding everyday life. In J. Douglas (Ed.)  Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge (pp. 3-44). Chicage, IL: Aldine. 
Douglas, J.D. (Ed.) (1970). Deviance and respectability: The social construction of moral meanings. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Drew, P. (1978). Accusations: The occasioned use of members' knowledge of 'religious geography' in describing events. Sociology, 12, 1-22.
Drew, P. (1981). Adults' corrections of children's mistakes: A response to Wells and Montgomery. In P. French and M. MacLure (Eds.) Adult-child conversation: Studies in structure and process (pp. 244-267). London, UK: Croom Helm.
Drew, P. (1984). Speakers' 'reportings' in invitation sequences. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 129-151). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Drew, P. (1985). Analyzing the use of language in courtroom interaction. In T.A. van Dijk (Ed.)  Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. 3: Discourse and dialogue (pp. 133-147). London, UK: Academic Press.
Drew, P. (1986). Individual-society interface: A comment on Taylor and Johnson. British Journal of Social Psychology, 25, 195-196.
Drew, P. (1987). Po-faced receipt of teases. Linguistics, 25(1), 219-253. [Reprinted in D. Boden and D. Zimmerman (Eds.) (forthcoming). Talk and social structure. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Drew, P. (1988). Recalling someone from the past. In D. Roger and P. Bull (Eds.) Conversation: An interdisciplinary approach (pp. 96-115). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Drew, P. (forthcoming). Contrast devices in courtroom cross-examination. In P. Drew and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Talk at work: Language use in institutional settings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Drew, P. (forthcoming). Strategies in the contest between lawyer and witness in cross-examination. In J. Levi and A. Walker (Eds.) Language and the judicial processes. New York, NY: Plenum.
Drew, P. (with J.C. Heritage) (forthcoming). Function and strategy in institutional discourse, In P. Drew and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Talk at work: Language use in institutional settings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Drew, P., and Heritage, J.C. (forthcoming). Talk at work: Language use in institutional settings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Drew, P., and Holt, E. (1988). Complainable matters: The use of idiomatic expressions in making complaints. Social Problems, 35(4), 398-417.
Drew, P., and Wootton, A.J. (Eds.) (1988). Erving Goffman: An interdisciplinary appreciation. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Drew, P., and Wootton, A.J. (1988). Introduction to Erving Goffman's interaction order. In P. Drew and A.J. Wootton (Eds.) Erving Goffman: An interdisciplinary appreciation (pp. 1-18). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Drummond, K. (1989). A backward glance at interruptions. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 53(2), 150-166.
Dulong, R. (1984). La factualitiڠcomme phڮom?ne [Facticity as phenomenon]. Arguments Ethnomڴhodologique. Cahiers d'Epistemologie du C.E.M.S.
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Farrar, M.T. (1987). Making book talk exciting: What we can learn from students. Indirections, 12(1), 52-58.
Farrar, M.T. (1988). A sociolinguistic analysis of discussion. In J.T. Dillon (Ed.) Questioning and discussion: A multidisciplinary study (pp. 29-73). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Fengler, C., und Fengler, T. (1980). Alltag in der Anstalt. Sozialpsychiatrie praktisch wird. Eine ethnomethodologische Untersuchung. Rehburg/Loccum.
Filmer, P. (1972). On Garfinkel's ethnomethodology. In P. Filmer, M. Phillipson, D. Silverman, and D. Walsh (Eds.) New directions in sociological theory (pp. 203-234). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [German translation: (1975). Zur Ethnomethodologie Harold Garfinkels. In P. Filmer, M. Phillipson, D. Silverman, and D. Walsh Neue Richtungen in der soziologischen Theorie (pp. 217-250). Wein: Hermann B?s Nachf.]
Filmer, P. (1976). Garfinkel's Gloss: A diachronically dialectical, essential reflexivity of accounts. Writing Sociology, 1, 69-84.
Filmer, P., Phillipson, M., Silverman, D., and Walsh, D. (1972). New directions in sociological theory. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [Review: J. Coulter, The Sociological Review, 1973, 24; B. Torode, Economic and Social Review, 1972, 4, 430-431.] [German translation: (1975). Neue Richtungen in der soziologischen Theorie. Wein: Hermann B?s Nachf.]
Fornel, M. de (1980). Quelques remarques sur le rituel et les actes de langage. Semantikos, 4(2), 39-46.
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Fornel, M. de (1985). Description et r?Le cas de la rڦڲence àdes personnes. In W. Ackermann et al. (Eds.) Dڣrire, un impڲatif?: Description, explication et interpretation en sciences sociale, Tome 2 (pp. 97-114). Paris, France: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociale.
Fornel, M. de (1985). Socio-pragmatique des pronoms et infڲence conversationnelle. Etudes de Linguistique Appliquڥ, 63, 23-39.
Fornel, M. de (1987). Remarques sur l'organisation thڭatique et les sڱuences d'actions dans la conversation [Some remarks on topical organization and sequences of actions in conversation]. Lexique, 5, 15-36.
Fornel, M. de (1987). Catڧorisation, identification et rڦڲence en Analyse de Conversation [Categorization, identification and reference in conversation analysis]. Lexique, 5, 161-198.
Fornel, M. de (in press). Reference to persons in conversation. In Proceedings of the International Pragmatics Conference. Amsterdam, Nederland: Benjamins.
Francis, D.W. (1986). Some structures of negotiation talk. Language in Society, 15, 53-80.
Francis, D.W. (1987). The competent player: Some observations on game learning. In D. Crookall, C. Greenblat, J. Klabbers, and A. Coote (Eds.) Simulation-gaming in the late 1980's. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.
Francis, D.W. (forthcoming). Activities and identities in a negotiation game. In D. Crookall and D. Saunders (Eds.) Communication and simulation. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Frank, A.W. (1976). Making scenes in public: Symbolic violence and social order. Theory and Society, 3, 395-416.
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Frank, A.W. (1981). Pooh talk: Formulating children's conversational troubles. Semiotica, 37(1/2), 109-120.
Frank, A.W. (1981). Legal and therapeutic formulations of child abuse. In H.H. Irving (Ed.) Family law: An interdisciplinary perspective (pp. 169-184). Toronto, Canada: Carswell.
Frank, A.W. (1982). Improper closings: The art of conversational repudiation. Human Studies, 5, 357-370.
Frank, A.W. (1985). Out of ethnomethodology. In H.J. Helle and S.N. Eisenstadt (Eds.) Micro sociological theory: Perspectives on sociological theory (pp. 101-116). London, UK: Sage.
Frank, A.W. (1988). Garfinkel's deconstruction of Parsons' plenum. The Discourse Analysis Research Group Newsletter, 4(1), 5-8. [ʷ]
Frank, A.W. (with C. Foote) (1982). Formulating children's troubles for organizational intervention. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 19(1), 111-122.
Frankel, R.M. (1982). Autism for all practical purposes: A microinteractional view. Topics in Language Disorders.  3(1), 33-42.
Frankel, R.M. (1983). The laying on of hands: Aspects of the organization of gaze, touch, and talk in a medical encounter. In S. Fisher and A. Todd (Eds.) The social organization of doctor-patient communication (pp. 20-54). Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Frankel, R.M. (1984). From sentence to sequence: Understanding the medical encounter through microinteractional analysis. Discourse Processes, 7(2), 135-170.
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Garfinkel, H. (1956). Conditions of successful degradation ceremonies. American Journal of Sociology, 61, 420-424. [Reprinted in J.G. Manis and B.N. Meltzer (Eds.) (1972). Symbolic interaction: A reader in social psychology, 2nd edition,  (pp. 201-208). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.] [German translation: (1974). Bedingungen fIJ den Erfolg von Degradierungszeremonien. Gruppendynamik, 5, 77-83.]
Garfinkel, H. (1956). Some sociological concepts and methods for psychiatrists. Psychiatric Research Reports, 6, 181-195.
Garfinkel, H. (1959). Aspects of the problem of common sense knowledge of social structures. In ISA, Transactions of the Fourth World Congress of Sociology, 4, 51-65. Milan: Stressa. [German translation: (1981). Das Alltagswissen Ģer soziale und innerhalb sozialer Structuren. In Arbeitsgruppe Bielefelder Soziologen (Hrsg.) Alltagswissen, Interaktion und gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit (pp. 189-262). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.]
Garfinkel, H. (1960). The rational properties of scientific and common sense activities. Behavioral Science, 5, 72-83. [Reprinted in N.F. Washburne (Ed.) (1962). Decisions, values, and groups, Vol. 2, (pp. 304-324). New York, NY: Pergamon Press., and in H. Garfinkel (1967). Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 262-284).]
Garfinkel , H. (1962). Common sense knowledge of social structures: The documentary method of lay/professional fact finding. In J.M. Scher (Ed.) Theories of the mind (pp. 689-712). New York, NY: Free Press. [Reprinted in H. Garfinkel (1967). Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 76-103).] [Also reprinted in H.G. Manis and B.N. Meltzer (Eds.) (1972). Symbolic interaction: A reader in social psychology, 2nd edition (pp. 356-378).]
Garfinkel, H. (1963). A conception of, and experiments with, "trust" as a condition of stable concerted actions. In O.J. Harvey (Ed.) Motivation and social interaction (pp. 187-238). New York, NY: Ronald Press.
Garfinkel, H. (1964). Studies of the routine grounds of everyday activities. Social Problems, 11, 225-250. [Revised version reprinted in H. Garfinkel (1967). Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 35-75).] [Also reprinted in D. Sudnow (Ed.) (1972). Studies in social interaction (pp. 1-30, 428-429). New York, NY: The Free Press.]
Garfinkel, H. (1967). Studies in ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (paperback: (1984). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.) [Reviews: American Sociological Review, 1968, 33, 122-130. Guy Swanson: pp. 122-124; Anthony F.C. Wallace: pp. 124-126; James Coleman: pp. 126-130.] [See response: I. Marvin, American Sociologist, 1969, 4, 333-334.] [Review: J. Wilkins, American Journal of Sociology, 1968, 73, 642-643.] [Portions of Chapter 1 reprinted as: What is Ethnomethodology. In F.R. Dallmayr and T.A. McCarthy (Eds.) (1977). Understanding and social inquiry (pp. 240-261). Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.] [Portions of Chapter 1 reprinted as: Suicide, for all practical purposes (pp. 96-101), and Chapter 6: 'Good' organizational reasons for 'bad' clinic records. In R. Turner (Ed.) (1974). Ethnomethodology. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.] [Partial reprint of Chapter 1: Remarks on ethnomethodology. In J. Gumperz and D. Hymes (Eds.) (1972). Directions in sociolinguistics. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Garfinkel, H. (1967). Practical sociological reasoning: Some features of the work of the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center. In E. S. Shneiderman (Ed.) Essays in self destruction (pp. 171-187). New York, NY: International Science Press.
Garfinkel, H. (1974). The origins of the term ethnomethodology. In R. Turner (Ed.) Ethnomethodology (pp. 15-18). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin. [Excerpt from R.J. Hill and K.S. Crittenden (Eds.) (1968). Proceedings of the Purdue Symposium on Ethnomethodology. Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.]
Garfinkel, H. (1977). When is phenomenology sociological? Annals of Phenomenological Sociology, 2, 1-40. [Panel discussion with: J. O'Neill, G. Psathas, E. Rose, E. Tiryakian, H. Wagner, and D.L. Wieder.]
Garfinkel, H. (Ed.) (1986). Ethnomethodological studies of work. London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul. [Review: M. Emmison, Labour and Industry, 1987, 1(1), 183-184.]
Garfinkel, H. (Ed.) (1987). A reflection. The Discourse Analysis Research Group Newsletter, 3(2), 5-9. [ʷ]
Garfinkel, H. (forthcoming). A manual for the study of naturally organized ordinary activities. 3 vols. London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Garfinkel, H., Lynch, M., and Livingston, E. (1981). The work of a discovering science construed with materials from the optically discovered pulsar. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 11(2), 131-158. [Holton, G. (1981). Comments on Professor Garfinkel's paper. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 11(2), 159-161.]
Garfinkel, H., Livingston, E., Lynch, M., Robillard, A.B., and MacBeth, D. (forthcoming). Respecifying the natural sciences as discovering sciences of practical action, I & II: Doing so ethnographically by administering a schedule of contingencies in discussions with laboratory scientists and by hanging around their laboratories. 
Garfinkel, H., and Sacks, H. (1970). On formal structures of practical actions. In J.C. McKinney and E.A. Tiryakian (Eds.) Theoretical sociology: Perspectives and developments (pp. 337-366). New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts. [Reprinted in: H. Garfinkel (Ed.) (1986). Ethnomethodological studies of work (pp. 160-193). London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.] [German translation: (1976). ?ber formale Strukturen praktischer Handlungen. In E. Weingarten, F. Sack und J. Schenkein (Hrsg.) Ethnomethodologie (pp. 130-176). Frankfurt, BRD: Suhrkamp.]
Gazdar, G. (1977). Conversational analysis and convention: Sociolinguistics. Analytic Sociology, 1(1), D�8-F�9. [ʱ]
Gephart, R.P. (1978). Status degradation and organizational succession: An ethnomethodological approach. Administrative Science Quarterly, 24, 553-581.
Giddens, A. (1976). New rules of sociological method: A positive critique of interpretive sociologies. London, UK: Hutchinson  [See especially Chapter 1, pp. 33-44.] [Review: J. Heap, Sociology and Social Research, 1978, 63(1), 157-159.] [See discussion in M. Peyrot (1982) in Human Studies.]
Gidlow, B. (1972). Ethnomethodology: A new name for old practices. British Journal of Sociology, 23, 395-405.
Gilsian, J.F. (1973). Symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology: A comparison. Rocky Mountain Social Science Journal, 10(1), 73-83.
Girton, G.D. (1986). Kung Fu: Toward a praxiological hermeneutic of the martial arts. In H. Garfinkel (Ed.) Ethnomethodological studies of work (pp. 60-91). London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Gleeson, D., and Erben, M. (1976). Meaning in context: Notes toward a critique of ethnomethodology. British Journal of Sociology, 27, 474-483.
Glenn, P.J. (1989). Initiating shared laughter in multi-party conversation. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 53(2), 127-149.
Goffman, E. (1981). Forms of talk. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. [Review: D. Helm, Human Studies, 1982, 5, 147-157.]
Goldberg, J.A. (1975). A system for the transfer of instructions in natural settings. Semiotica, 14(3), 269-296.
Goldberg, J.A. (1978). Amplitude shift: A mechanism for the affiliation of utterances in conversational interaction. In J. Schenkein (Ed.) Studies in the organization of conversational interaction (pp. 199-218). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Goldthorpe, J.H. (1973). A revolution in sociology? A review article. Sociology, 7, 449-462. [See: D. Benson, 1974; J.H. Goldthorpe, 1974; J.M. Atkinson,1978 (p. 181 ff).]
Goldthorpe, J.H. (1974). A rejoinder to Benson. Sociology, 8, 131-133. [See: D. Benson, 1974; and J.H. Goldthorpe, 1973.]
Goode, D.A. (1979). The world of the congenitally deaf-blind: Toward the grounds for achieving human understanding. In H. Schwartz and J. Jacobs (Eds.) Qualitative sociology (pp. 381-396). New York, NY: The Free Press. [Reprinted in J. Jacobs (Ed.) (1980). Phenomenological approaches to mental retardation. New York, NY: Charles C. Thomas.]
Goode, D.A. (1980). Behavioral sculpting: Parent-child interactions in families with retarded children. In J. Jacobs (Ed.) Phenomenological approaches to mental retardation. New York, NY: Charles C. Thomas.
Goode, D.A. (1983). Who is Bobby?: A case history documenting the role of method and ideology in the discovery of competence in a man with Down's syndrome. In G. Kielhofner (Ed.) Health through occupation. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
Goode, D.A. (1984). Notes on the presentation practices of a family with a deaf-blind daughter. Family Relations.
Goode, D.A. (1985). Socially produced identities, intimacy and the problem of competence among the retarded. In S. Tomlinson and L. Darton (Eds.) Special education and social values. London, UK: Croom Helm.
Goode, D.A. (1986). Kids, culture and innocents. Human Studies, 9, 83-106.
Goode, D.A. (in press, 1989). Understanding without words: Communication between an alingual, deaf-blind child and her mother. Human Studies.
Goode, D.A. (with F. Waksler). (in press). The 'missing who' of social interaction: Situational identity and fault-finding with an alingual, deaf-blind child. In N. Mandel (Ed.) Sociological studies of child development.
Goodwin, C. (1979). Review: Face to face interaction: Research, methods and theory by S. Duncan, Jr. and D.W. Fiske. Language in Society, 8(3), 439-444.
Goodwin, C. (1979). The interactive construction of a sentence in natural conversation. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 97-121). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Goodwin, C. (1980). Restarts, pauses, and the achievement of a state of mutual gaze at turn-beginning. Sociological Inquiry, 50(3/4), 277-302.
Goodwin, C. (1981). Conversational organization: Interaction between speakers and hearers. New York, NY: Academic Press.
Goodwin, C. (1983). Exophoric reference as an interactive resource. In J.N. Deely and M.D. Lenhart (Eds.) Semiotics 1981 (pp. 119-128). New York, NY: Plenum Press.
Goodwin, C. (1984). Notes on story structure and the organization of participation. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 225-246). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Goodwin, C. (1986). Gesture as a resource for the organization of mutual orientation. Semiotica, 62(1/2), 29-49.
Goodwin, C. (1986). Audience diversity, participation and interpretation. Text, 6(3), 283-316.
Goodwin, C. (1986). Between and within: Alternative sequential treatments of continuers and assessments. Human Studies, 9, 205-217.
Goodwin, C. (1987). La rڦerڮce exophorique comme procڤڠinteractif [Exophoric reference as an interactive resource]. Cahiers de Praxematique, 9, 9-22.
Goodwin, C. (1987). Forgetfulness as an interactive resource. Social Psychology Quarterly, 50(2), 115-131.
Goodwin, C. (1987). Unilateral departure. In G. Button and J.R.E. Lee (Eds.) Talk and social organization (pp. 206-216). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Goodwin, C. (1988). Participation frameworks in children's argument. In K. Ekberg and P.E. Mjaavatn (Eds.) Growing into a modern world (pp. 1188-1195). The Norwegian Centre for Child Research.
Goodwin, C. (in press, 1989). Turn construction and conversational organization. In B. Dervin, L. Grossberg, B. O'Keefe, and E. Wartella (Eds.) Rethinking communication, Vol. II: Paradigm exemplars. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Goodwin, C., and Goodwin, M.H. (1987). Concurrent operations on talk: Notes on the interactive organization of assessments. IPRA Papers in Pragmatics, 1, 1-55.
Goodwin, C., and Goodwin, M.H. (in press). Interstitial argument. In A. Grimshaw (Ed.) Conflict talk. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Goodwin, M.H. (1980). Processes of mutual monitoring implicated in the production of description sequences. Sociological Inquiry, 50(3/4), 303-317.
Goodwin, M.H. (1980). Directive/Response speech sequences in girls' and boys' task activities. In S. McConnell, et al. (Eds.) Women and language in literature and society (pp. 157-173). New York, NY: Praeger.
Goodwin, M.H. (1980). He-said/she-said: Formal cultural procedures for the construction of a gossip dispute activity. American Ethnologist, 7, 674-694.
Goodwin, M.H. (1982). Processes of dispute management among urban black children. American Ethnologist, 9, 76-96.
Goodwin, M.H. (1982). "Instigating": Story telling as social process. American Ethnologist, 9, 799-819.
Goodwin, M.H. (1983). Aggravated correction and disagreement in children's conversation. Journal of Pragmatics, 7, 657-677.
Goodwin, M.H. (1983). Searching for a word as an interactive activity. In J.N. Deely and M.D. Lenhart (Eds.) Semiotics 1981 (pp. 129-138). New York, NY: Plenum Press.
Goodwin, M.H. (1985). The serious side of jump rope: Conversational practices and social organization in the frame of play. Journal of American Folklore, 98, 315-330.
Goodwin, M.H. (1988). Social organization in girls' pretend play. In K. Ekberg and P.E. Mjaavatn (Eds.) Growing into the modern world (pp. 1196-1204). The Norwegian Centre for Child Research.
Goodwin, M.H. (1988). Cooperation and competition across girl's play activities. In S. Fisher and A. Todd (Eds.) Gender and discourse: The power of talk. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Goodwin, M.H. (forthcoming, 1990). Language as social process: Conversational practices in a peer group of urban black children. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Goodwin, M.H., and Goodwin, C. (1986). Gesture and coparticipation in the activity of searching for a word. Semiotica, 62(1/2), 51-75.
Goodwin, M.H., and Goodwin, C. (1987). Children's arguing. In S. Phillips, S. Steele, and C. Tanz (Eds.) Language, gender, and sex in comparative perspective (pp. 200-248). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Gouldner, A.W. (1970). The coming crisis in western sociology. New York, NY: Basic Books. [See: pp. 390-395.] [See discussion by J.M. Atkinson (1978) p. 181 ff.]
Grahame, P.R. (1985). Criticalness, pragmatics, and everyday life: Consumer literacy as critical practice. In J. Forester (Ed.) Critical theory and public life (pp. 147-174). Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press.
Grahame, P.R. (1988). Curriculum or common sense?: An exploration in the classroom production of useful knowledge. Journal of Educational Thought, 22, 237-246.
Greatbatch, D. (1986). Aspects of topical organization in news interviews: The use of agenda shifting procedures by interviewees. Media, Culture and Society, 8, 441-455.
Greatbatch, D. (1986). Some standard uses of supplementary questions in news interviews. In J. Wilson, and B.K. Crow (Eds.) Belfast working papers in language and linguistics Vol. 8 (pp. 86-123). Ulster, Ireland: University of Ulster.
Greatbatch, D. (1988). A turn-taking system for British news interviews. Language in Society, 17, 401-430.
Greatbatch, D. (forthcoming). The management of disagreement between news  interviewees. In P. Drew and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Talk at work: Language use in institutional settings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Grimshaw, A. (1980). Mishearings, misunderstanding, and other non successes in talk: A plea for redress of speaker-oriented bias. Sociological Inquiry, 50(3/4), 31-74.
Gubrium, J.F. (1976). Practical survey research and therapy: An analogy. Annals of Phenomenological Sociology, 1, 127-142.
Gubrium, J.F. (1979). Observing the individual problems of human service records. Humanity and Society, 3, 260-274.
Gubrium, J.F. (1980). Doing care plans in patient conferences. Social Science and Medicine, 14A, 659-667.
Gubrium, J.F. (1986). Oldtimers and Alzheimer's: The descriptive organization of senility. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Gubrium, J.F. (1986). The social preservation of mind: The Alzheimer's disease experience. Symbolic Interaction, 6, 37-51.
Gubrium, J.F. (1987). Structuring and destructuring the course of illness: The Alzheimer's disease experience. Sociology of Health and Illness, 3, 1-24.
Gubrium, J.F. (1987). Organizational embeddedness and family life. In T. Brubaker (Ed.) Aging, health, and family: Long-term care (pp. 23-41). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Gubrium, J.F. (1988). Analyzing field reality. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Gubrium, J.F. (1988). Family responsibility and caregiving in the qualitative analysis of the Alzheimer's disease experience. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 50, 197-207.
Gubrium, J.F. (1988). Rationality and practical reasoning in human service organization. In P. Higgins and J.M. Johnson (Eds.) Personal sociology. New York, NY: Praeger.
Gubrium, J.F. (1988). The family as project. Sociological Review, 36, 273-295.
Gubrium, J.F. (1988). Incommunicables and poetic documentation in the Alzheimer's disease experience. Semiotica, 72, 235-253.
Gubrium, J.F. (1988). Gefuhlsarbeit und emotionaler Diskurs beim Erleben der Alzheimer-Krankheit [Emotion work and emotive discourse in the Alzheimer's disease experience]. In G. Gockenjan und H.-J. von Kondratowitz (Hrsg.) Alter und Alltag. Frankfurt, BRD: Suhrkamp Verlag.
Gubrium, J.F., and Buckholdt, D.R. (1977). Toward maturity: The social processing of human development. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Gubrium, J.F. (with D.R. Buckholdt) (1979). Production of hard data in human service institutions. Pacific Sociological Review, 22, 115-136.
Gubrium, J.F. (with D.R. Buckholdt) (1979). Doing staffing. Human Organization, 38, 255-264.
Gubrium, J.F. (with D.R. Buckholdt) (1979). Caretakers: Treating emotionally disturbed children. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. [Reprinted by University Press of America, Lanham, MD, 1985.]
Gubrium, J.F., and Buckholdt, D.R. (1982). Describing care: Image and practice in rehabilitation. Boston, MA: Oelgeschlager, Gunn and Hain.
Gubrium, J.F., and Buckholdt, D.R. (1982). Fictive family: Everyday usage, analytic, and human service considerations. American Anthropologist, 84, 878-885.
Gubrium, J.F. (with D.R. Buckholdt) (1983). Therapeutic pretense in reality orientation. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 16, 167-181.
Gubrium, J.F. (with D.R. Buckholdt) (1983). Practicing accountability in human service institutions. Urban Life, 12, 249-268.
Gubrium, J.F., Buckholdt, D.R., and Lynott, R.J. (1982). Considerations on a theory of descriptive activity. Mid-American Review of Sociology, 7, 17-35.
Gubrium, J.F., Buckholdt, D.R., and Lynott, R.J. (1989). The descriptive tyranny of forms. In J.A. Holstein and G. Miller (Eds.) Perspectives on social problems, Vol. 1 (pp. 195-214). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Gubrium, J.F., and Holstein, J.A. (1987). The private image: Experiential location and method in family studies. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 49, 773-786.
Gubrium, J.F., and Holstein, J.A. (forthcoming). What is family?: A new perspective. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.
Gubrium, J.F. (with R.J. Lynott) (1983). Rethinking life satisfaction. Human Organization, 43, 30-38. [Reprinted in B.B. Hess and E.W. Markson (Eds.) (1984). Growing old in America, 3rd edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books.]
Gubrium, J.F., and Lynott, R.J. (1985). Family rhetoric as social order. Journal of Family Issues, 6, 129-151.
Gubrium, J.F. (with R.J. Lynott) (1985). Alzheimer's disease as biographical work. In W. Peterson and J. Quadagno (Eds.) Social bonds in later life (pp. 349-367). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Gubrium, J.F., and Lynott, R.J. (1987). Measurement and the interpretation of burden in the Alzheimer's disease experience. Journal of Aging Studies, 1, 265-285.
Guilhaumou, J. (1989). Enoncڳ et rڣits sur la mort de Marat (juillet 1793): La matڲialitڠde la langue dans la description de l'archive [Utterances and narratives of the death of Marat (July 1793): Material aspects of language in the description of records]. Lexique, 5, 229-252.

Hadden, S.C., and Lester, M. (1978). Talking identity: The production of "self" in interaction. Human Studies, 1, 331-356.
Hak, T. (1985). Sociology as the science of readings. In T. Hak, J. Haafkens,  and G. Nijhof (Eds.) Working Papers on Discourse and Conversational Analysis, Konteksten nr. 6 (pp. 189-196). Rotterdam, Nederland: Instituut Preventieve en Sociale Psychiatrie, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. [ʶ]
Hak, T. (1988). Tekstsociologische analyse [Text-sociological analysis]. Dordrecht/Providence, RI: Foris Publications.
Hak, T. (1989). Constructing a psychiatric case. In B. Torode (Ed.) Text and talk as social practice (pp. 72-92). Dordrecht, Nederland/Providence, RI: Foris Publications.
Hak, T. (1989). Developing a text-sociological analysis. Semiotica, 75(1/2), 25-42.
Handel, W.H. (1979). Normative expectations and the emergence of meaning as solutions to problems: Convergence of structural and interactionist views. American Journal of Sociology, 84, 855-881.
Handel, W.H. (1982). Ethnomethodology: How people make sense. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. [Review: D. Maynard, Contemporary Sociology, 1982, 11(6), 715-716.]
Handel, W.H. (with R. Lauer) (1977). Social psychology: The theory and application of symbolic interactionism. Houghton Mifflin. [See Chapter 8. on Ethnomethodology (pp. 224-298).]
Hardesty, M.J. (1982). Ethnomethodology and symbolic interactionsm: A critical comparison of temporal orientations. Symbolic Interactionism, 5(1), 127-137.
Harper, R.R. (1988). Current ethnomethodological research: Social factors and air traffic control. The Discourse Analysis Research Group Newsletter, 4(1), 9-11. [ʷ]
Harper, R.R. (1988). Not any old numbers: An examination of practical reasoning in an accountancy environment. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 2(4). [Also: Manchester Sociology Occasional Papers, No. 19, 1987.] [ʲ]
Harper, R.R., and Watson, D.R. (1988). Computerizing police work. Journal of Comparative Sociology and Religion, 15.
Hatch, D.J. (1978). The analysis of cultural objects: Organizational and referential parameters of utterance design. Analytic Sociology, 1(4), B�3-C10. [ʱ]
Have, P. ten (1977). Ethnomethodologie [Ethnomethodology]. In L. Rademaker and H. Bergman (Red.) Sociologische Stromingen (pp. 145-168). Utrecht, Nederland: Het Spectrum.
Have, P. ten (1980). Openingssequenties [Opening sequences]. In A. Foolen, J. Hardeveld, and D. Springorum (Eds.) Conversatie-analyse (pp. 63-84). Gronigen, Nederland: Xenos.
Have, P. ten (1981). Lokale en globale samenhangen in raadgevende gesprekken [Local and global connections in counseling conversations]. Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap, 1, 24-45.
Have, P. ten (1982). Sociologische gespreksanalyse [Sociological analysis of conversation]. Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap, 2, 90-104.
Have, P. ten (1985). Contrastive analyses of interview talk. In T. Hak, J. Haafkens, and G. Nijhof (Red.) Working Papers on Discourse and Conversational Analysis, Konteksten, nr. 6 (pp. 151-163). Rotterdam, Nederland: Instituut Preventieve en Sociale Psychiatrie, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. [Response to Torode (1985) in same issue.] [ʶ]
Have, P. ten (1985). Een methode voor de etnomethodologie? [A method for ethnomethodology?] Sociologisch Tijdschrift, 12, 368-380. [A review article on Maso, 1984, followed by a reply from Maso, and a rejoinder by ten Have.]
Have, P. ten (1986). De formulering van klachten in huisarts-spreekuurgesprekken [The formulation of complaints in general practice consultations]. In J. Creten, G. Geerts, en K. Jaspaert (Red.) Werk-in-uitvoering: Momentopname van de sociolingutiek in BelgiΠen Nederland (pp. 125-134). Leuven-Amersfoort: Acco.
Have, P. ten (1986). Conversatieanalyse tussen uniciteit en universaliteit [Conversation analysis: Between the unique and the universal]. In A. Scholtens en D. Springorum (Red.) Gespreksanalyse: Uitgangspunten en methoden in gespeksanalytisch onderzoek (pp. 33-47). Overasselt: Springorum.
Have, P. ten (1987). Sequenties en formuleringen: Aspecten van de interactionele organisatie van huisarts-spreekuurgesprekken [Sequences and formulations: Aspects of the interactional organization of general practice encounters]. Dordrecht, Nederland/ Providence, RI: Foris Publications. 
Have, P. ten (1989). The consultation as a genre. In B. Torode (Ed.) Text and talk as social practice (pp. 201-221). Dordrecht, Nederland/Providence, RI: Foris Publications. 
Hayashi, Y. (1985). Esunomesodoroji to kyoiku chosa [Ethnomethodology and educational research]. In H. Matsubara (Ed.) Kyoiku chosa ho [The methods of educational research]. Tokyo, Nippon: Yuhikaku.
Heap, J.L. (1971). The student as resource: Use of the minimum-structure simulation game in teaching. Simulations and Games, 2(4), 473-487. [Reprinted in a shortened form in Ekistics, 1973, 35(210). Reprinted in full in C. Greenblat and R.B. Duke (Eds.) (1975). Gaming-simulation. Toronto, Canada: Wiley.]
Heap, J.L. (1974). Review: Phenomenology, language and the social sciences. Contemporary Sociology, 3(7), 499-501.
Heap, J.L. (1974). Reply to Holzner. American Sociological Review, 39(2), 289-291.
Heap, J.L. (1975). Discovering and recovering reading. Interchange, 6(4), 54-57.
Heap, J.L. (1975). Non-indexical action. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 5(4), 393-409.
Heap, J.L. (1975). The structure of answer-seeking. Reflections: A Journal of Interpretive Sociology, 1, 97-112.
Heap, J.L. (1976). What are sense making practices? Sociological Inquiry, 46(2), 107-115.
Heap, J.L. (1976). Reconceiving the social. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 13(3), 271-281.
Heap, J.L. (1977). Verstehen, language and warrants. Sociological Quarterly, 18(2), 177-184.
Heap, J.L. (1977). When is phenomenology sociological? Annals of Phenomenological Sociology, II. (A panel discussion with H. Garfinkel, J. O'Neill, G. Psathas, E. Rose. E. Tiryakian, H. Wagner, D.L. Wieder)
Heap, J.L. (1977-78). Toward a phenomenology of reading. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, VIII(1), 103-114.
Heap, J.L. (1978). Review: Understanding social life: The method called Verstehen. Contemporary Sociology, 7(3), 330-331.
Heap, J.L. (1978). Warranting interpretations: A demonstration. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 15(1), 41-49.
Heap, J.L. (1979). Rumpelstiltskin: The organisation of preference in a reading lesson. Analytic Sociology, 2(2). [ʱ]
Heap, J.L. (1979). On Wittgenstein, criteria and reading. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Occasional Papers.
Heap, J.L. (1980). Description in ethnomethodology. Human Studies, 3(1), 87-106.
Heap, J.L. (1980). What counts as reading: Limits to certainty in assessment. Curriculum Inquiry, 10(3), 265-292.
Heap, J.L. (1981). Free-phantasy, language, and sociology: A criticism of the methodist theory of essence. Human Studies, 4(4), 299-311.
Heap, J.L. (1981). Authority as a question of reasonable claims: A reply to John Willinsky. Curriculum Inquiry, 11(3), 227-230.
Heap, J.L. (1982). The social organization of reading evaluations: Reasons for eclecticism. In G.C.F. Payne and E.C. Cuff (Eds.) Doing teaching (pp. 39-59). London, UK: Batsford.
Heap, J.L. (1982). Understanding classroom events: A critique of Durkin, with an alternative. Journal of Reading Behavior, 14(4), 391-411.
Heap, J.L. (1982). Practical reasoning in depression. Human Studies, 5(4), 345-356.
Heap, J.L. (1983). Frames and knowledge in a science lesson: A dialogue with Professor Heyman. Curriculum Inquiry, 13(4), 397-417. [See two papers by Heyman (1983) in Curriculum Inquiry.]
Heap, J.L. (1984). Ethnomethodology and education: Possibilities. Journal of Educational Thought, 18(3), 168-171.
Heap, J.L. (1985). Discourse in the production of classroom knowledge: Reading lessons. Curriculum Inquiry, 15(3), 245-279.
Heap, J.L. (1986). Cultural logic and schema theory: A reply to Bereiter. Curriculum Inquiry, 16(1), 73-86.
Heap, J.L. (1986). Assuming transmission or studying productions: A reply to Delamont. Curriculum Inquiry, 16(3), 331-333.
Heap, J.L. (1986). Achieving displays of computer literacy: Unfolding Cunningham and Paris' findings. Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, 8(3), 105-108.
Heap, J.L. (1986). Collaboration in word processing. Toronto, Canada: Ontario Ministry of Education. (with assistance from S. Moore)
Heap, J.L. (1987). Testing and assessing reading. Orbit, 18(3), 26-27.
Heap, J.L. (1987). Sociologies in and of education: A reply to Hammersley. Curriculum Inquiry, 17(2), 239-242.
Heap, J.L. (1987). Ethnomethodology: Disclosing education. The Discourse Analytic Research Group Newsletter, 3(2), 16-20.
Heap, J.L. (1988). A situated perspective on literacy events. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Occasional Papers.
Heap, J.L. (in press). Sociality and cognition in collaborative computer writing. In D. Bloome (Ed.) Learning to use literacy in educational settings: Literacy as a social and cognitive process. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Heap, J.L. (in press). Collaborative practices during word processing in a first grade classroom. In C. Emihovich (Ed.) Locating learning across the curriculum: Ethnographic perspectives on classroom research. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Heap, J.L. (forthcoming). Deepening a dilemma: Stylus vs. computer writing at the early primary level. In The 1988 American Reading Forum Yearbook.
Heap, J.L. (forthcoming). On task in classroom discourse. Linguistics and Education.
Heap, J.L. (forthcoming). Applied ethnomethodology: Looking for the local rationality of reading lessons. Human Studies.
Heap, J.L. (forthcoming). Reading as cultural activities: Enabling and reflective texts. Curriculum Inquiry.
Heap, J.L., and Roth, P.A. (1973). On phenomenological sociology. American Sociological Review, 39(2), 354-367.
Heath, C.C. (1978). Some formal properties of non-spoken activity episodes. Sociolinguistics, 9(2). [ʵ]
Heath, C.C. (1979). Interactional aspects of non-spoken activities. Man Environment Systems, 8, 231-240.
Heath, C.C. (1981). The opening sequence in doctor-patient interaction. In P. Atkinson and C.C. Heath (Eds.) Medical work: Realities and routines (pp. 71-90). Farnborough, UK: Gower.
Heath, C.C. (1982). The display of recipiency: An instance of a sequential relationship in speech and body movement. Semiotica, 42(2/4), 147-167.
Heath, C.C. (1982). Preserving the consultation: Medical record cards and professional conduct. Sociology of Health and Illness, 5(2), 36-74.
Heath, C.C. (1983). Interactional participation: The coordination of gesture, speech and gaze. In V. d'Urso and P. Leonardi (Eds.) Discourse analysis and natural rhetoric (pp. 85-97). Padua, Italy: Cleup Editore.
Heath, C.C. (1983). Computer aided diagnosis in the consultation. Sociology of Health and Illness, 5(3), 332-344.
Heath, C.C. (1984). Participation in the medical consultation: The coordination of verbal and nonverbal behaviour between the doctor and patient. Sociology of Health and Illness, 6(3), 311-338.
Heath, C.C. (1984). Talk and recipiency: Sequential organization in speech and body movement. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 247-265). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Heath, C.C. (1985). The consultation's end: The social organization of breaking co-presence. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 51, 27-42.
Heath, C.C. (1986). Body movement and speech in medical interaction. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Heath, C.C. (1987). Embarrassment and interactional organization. In P. Drew and A.J. Wootton (Eds.) Erving Goffman: Exploring the interactive order. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Heath, C.C. (1989). Goffman and the 'problem' of involvement. In I. Joseph (Ed.) Lectures de Goffman en France. Paris, France: Minuit.
Heath, C.C. (in press, 1989). Pain talk: The expression of pain and suffering in the medical consultation. Social Psychology Quarterly.
Heath, C.C. (forthcoming). Rendering the body visible. In B. Conein, M. de Fornal, and L. Quڲڠ(Eds.) Action analysis and conversation analysis. Paris, France: Maison des sciences de l'Homme.
Heath, C.C. (forthcoming). Contextualisation and interactional participation: Gesture and the ubiquitous head nod. In P. Auer and A. di Lucio (Eds.) The contextualization of language. Amsterdam, Nederland: Benjamins.
Heath, C.C. (forthcoming). Diagnosis and assessment in the medical consultation. In P. Drew and J. Heritage (Eds.) Talk at work: Language use in institutional settings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Heath, C.C. (with P.S. Byrne) (1980). Non-verbal communication in the general practice consultation. Journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Heath, C.C. (with G.N. Gilbert) (1986). Text competence and logic. Qualitative Sociology, 9(3).
Heeren, J. (1970). Alfred Schutz and the sociology of common-sense knowledge. In J.D. Douglas (Ed.) Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge (pp. 45-56). Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Co.
Helm, D.T., Anderson, W.T., Meehan, A.J., and Rawls, A.W. (Eds.) (1989). The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order. New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Helm, D.T. (1989). Some features of verbal prompts. In D.T. Helm, W.T. Anderson, A.J. Meehan, and A.W. Rawls (Eds.) The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order (pp. 68-80). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Heritage, J.C. (1974). Assessing people. In N. Armistead (Ed.) Reconstructing social psychology (pp. 260-281). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Heritage, J.C. (1975). Community and practicality in sociology and beyond. Sociology, 9, 329-339.
Heritage, J.C. (1978). Aspects of the flexibilities of natural language use: A reply to Phillips. Sociology, 12, 79-103. [See J. Phillips (1978) in same issue.]
Heritage, J.C. (1983). Accounts in action. In N.G. Gilbert and P. Abell (Eds.) Accounts and action (pp. 117-131).  Farnborough, UK: Gower
Heritage, J.C. (1984). Garfinkel and ethnomethodology. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. [Review essay: Maynard, D.W. (1986).  New treatment for an old itch. Contemporary Sociology, 15(3), 346-349.]
Heritage, J.C. (1984). A change-of-state token and aspects of its sequential placement. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 299-345). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Heritage, J.C. (1985). Analyzing news interviews: Aspects of the production of talk for an overhearing audience. In T. Van Dijk (Ed.)  Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. 3: Discourse and dialogue (pp. 95-117). London, UK: Academic Press.
Heritage, J.C. (1985). Recent developments in conversation analysis. Sociolinguistics, 15(1), 1-19. [ʵ]
Heritage, J.C. (1985). Ethnomڴhodologie: Un defi àla sociologie "conventionelle". Societes, 1, 7-9.
Heritage, J.C. (1987). Ethnomethodology apres la lutte. The Discourse Analysis Research Group Newsletter, 3(2), 9-16. [ʷ]
Heritage, J.C. (1987). Ethnomethodology. In A. Giddens and J. Turner (Eds.) Social theory today (pp. 224-272). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Heritage, J.C. (1988). Explanations as accounts: A conversation analytic perspective. In C. Antaki (Ed.) Analyzing lay explanation: A case book of methods (pp. 127-144). London, UK: Sage.
Heritage, J.C. (1988). Current developments in conversation analysis. In D. Roger and P. Bull (Eds.) Conversation: An interdisciplinary perspective (pp. 21-47). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Heritage, J.C. (in press). On "exposed" and "embedded" displays of understanding. In C. Candlin (Ed.) Strategies of natural language interpretation. Oxford, UK: Pergamon.
Heritage, J.C. (in press). On the notion of "strategy" applied to interaction. In C. Candlin (Ed.) Strategies of natural language interpretation. Oxford, UK: Pergamon.
Heritage, J.C., and Atkinson, J.M. (1984). Introduction. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 1-15). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Heritage, J.C., Clayman, S.E., and Zimmerman, D.H. (1988). Discourse and message analysis: The micro-structure of mass media messages. In R.P. Hawkins, J. Wiemann, and S. Pingree(Eds.) Advancing communication science: Merging mass and interpersonal processes, Vol 16. Sage Annual Review of Communication Research. (pp. 77-109). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Heritage, J.C., and Greatbatch, D. (1986).  Generating applause: A study of rhetoric and response at party political conferences. American Journal of Sociology, 92(1), 110-157.
Heritage, J.C., and Greatbatch, D.L. (forthcoming). On the institutional character of institutional talk: The case of news interview interaction. In D. Boden and D.H. Zimmerman (Eds.) Talk and social structure. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Heritage, J.C., and Greatbatch, D.L. (forthcoming). Figures of speech. London, UK: Methuen.
Heritage, J.C., and Sefi, S. (forthcoming). "Just a chat": Health visitor-mother interaction in the home setting. In P. Drew and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Talk at work. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Heritage, J.C., and Watson, D.R. (1979). Formulations as conversational objects. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology (pp 123-162). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Heritage, J.C., and Watson, D.R. (1980). Aspects of the properties of formulations in natural conversations: Some instances analyzed. Semiotica, 30(3/4), 245-262.
Heriuger, J.T. (1977). Pre-sequences and indirect speech acts. In E.O. Keenan and T.L. Bennett (Eds.) Discourse across time and space (pp. 169-180). Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics 5, University of Southern California.
Hester, S. (1981). Two tensions in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. Sociology, 15, 108-116.
Hester, S. (1982). The social construction of educational subnormality. Research in Education, May, 85-94.
Hester, S. (1985). Ethnomethodology and the study of deviance in schools. In R. Burgess (Ed.) Strategies of educational research. Falmer Press.
Hester, S. (with D. Hargreaves and F. Mellor) (1984). Rules in play. In D. Hargreaves and P. Woods (Eds.) Classrooms and staffrooms (pp. 25-35). UK: Open University Press.
Heyman, R.D. (1979). Comparative education from an ethnomethodological perspective. Comparative Education, 15(3), 241-249.
Heyman, R.D. (1980). Ethnomethodology: Some suggestions for the sociology of education. Journal of Educational Thought, 14(1), 44-48.
Heyman, R.D. (1981). Analyzing the curriculum. International Review of Education, 27(4), 449-470.
Heyman, R.D. (1983). Clarifying meaning through classroom talk. Curriculum Inquiry, 13(1), 23-42.
Heyman, R.D. (1983). Basic issues in the interpretive paradigm: A response to Messrs. Heap, Munby and Olson. Curriculum Inquiry, 13(4), 429-434. [See: R. Heyman, 1983, and J. Heap, 1983, both in Curriculum Inquiry.]
Heyman, R.D. (1983). Cross cultural studies as the study of contingent realities. East West Education, 4(1), 55-66.
Heyman, R.D. (1984). The comparative study of school knowledge. New Education, 6(2), 55-68.
Heyman, R.D. (1984). Language use and school performance in a native classroom. Canadian Journal of Native Studies, 4(1), 11-28.
Heyman, R.D. (1986). Formulating topic in the classroom. Discourse Processes, 9(1), 37-55.
Heyman, R.D. (1987). Trouble in talk in a bi-cultural classroom. East West Education, 8(2), 51-66.
Heyman, R.D. (1988). Natural language and computer conferencing: Problems in communication. In S. Thomas (Ed.) Culture and communication. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Hilbert, R.A. (1977). Approaching reason's edge: 'Nonsense' as the final solution to the problem of meaning. Sociological Inquiry, 47(1), 25-31.
Hilbert, R.A. (1980). Covert participant observation: On its nature and practice. Urban Life, 9(1), 51-78.
Hilbert, R.A. (1981). Toward an improved understanding of 'role'. Theory and Society, 10, 207-226.
Hilbert, R.A. (1982). Competency based teacher education versus the real world: Some natural limitations to bureaucratic reform. Urban Education, 16(4), 379-398.
Hilbert, R.A. (1984). The acultural dimensions of chronic pain: Flawed reality construction and the problem of meaning. Social Problems, 31(4), 365-378.
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Hill, RJ., and Crittenden, K.S. (Eds.) (1968). Proceedings of the Purdue Symposium on Ethnomethodology. (Institute for the Study of Social Change.) Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press [Participants included: L. Churchill, A.V. Cicourel, H. Garfinkel, E. Rose, H. Sacks, D. Sudnow.]
Hindess, B. (1973). The use of official statistics in sociology: A critique of positivism and ethnomethodology. London, UK: Macmillan Press. [See discussion by P. Eglin (1987).]
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Holstein, J.A. (1983). Grading practices: The construction and use of background knowledge in evaluative decision-making. Human Studies, 6(3), 377-392.
Holstein, J.A. (1983). Jurors' use of judges' instructions: Conceptual and methodological issues for simulated jury studies. Sociological Methods and Research, 11(4), 501-518.
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Holstein, J.A. (1988). Court ordered incompetence: Conversational organization in involuntary commitment hearings. Social Problems, 35(4), 458-473.
Holstein, J.A. (forthcoming, 1990). The discourse of age in involuntary commitment proceedings. Journal of Aging Studies.
Holstein, J.A. (forthcoming, 1990). The discourse of home care in involuntary mental hospitalization proceedings. In J.F. Gubrium and A. Sankar (Eds.) The home care experience: Ethnography and policy. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
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Hopkins, F.L. (1984). New causal theory and ethnomethodology: Cogitation patterns across a decade. Scientometrics, 6(1), 22-53.
Hopper, R. (1981). The taken-for-granted. Human Communication Research, 7, 195-211.
Hopper, R. (1981). How to do things without words: The taken-for-granted as speech-action. Communication Quarterly, 29, 228-236.
Hopper, R. (1982). Powerful is as powerful speaks: Linguistic sex differences reconsidered. In L. Larmer and M.B. Badami (Eds.) Communication language and gender (pp. 162-170). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Extension Press.
Hopper, R. (1983). Interpretation as coherence production. In R.T. Craig and K. Tracy (Eds.) Conversational coherence (pp. 81-98). Beverly Hills CA: Sage.
Hopper, R. (1986). Switching partners in conversation. In J. Wilson and B. Crow (Eds.) Belfast Working Papers in Language and Linguistics Vol. 8 (pp. 221-242). Ulster, Ireland: University of Ulster.
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Hopper, R. (1988). Conversation analysis and social psychology as descriptions of interpersonal communication. In D. Roger and P. Bull (Eds.) Conversation: An interdisciplinary perspective. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Hopper, R. (1989). Speech in telephone openings: Emergent interaction vs. routines. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 53(2), 178-194.
Hopper, R. (in press, 1989). 'What are you doin' in the 'How are you' slot. Communication Monographs.
Hopper, R. (forthcoming). Hold the phone. In D. Boden and D.H. Zimmerman (Eds.) Talk and social structure. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Hopper, R. (with R. Bell) (1984). Broadening the deception construct. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 70, 288-302.
Hopper, R. (with K. Drummond) (1988). Language use and media: A micro-analytic perspective. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 5, 163-166.
Hopper, R. (with S. Koch and J. Mandelbaum) (1986). Conversation analysis methods. In D.G. Ellis and W.A. Donohue (Eds.) Contemporary issues in language and discourse processes (pp. 169-186). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Hopper, R. (with G.H. Morris) (1987). Symbolic action as alignment: A synthesis of rules approaches. Research in Language and Social Interaction, 2, 1-31. [ʴ]
Hopper, R. (with S.L. Ragan) (1981). Alignment talk in the job interview. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 9, 85-103.
Houtkoop, H. (1982). Taalgebruik en konversationele strategieen [Language usage and conversational strategies]. In M. Aerts a.o. (Red.) Kongresbundel Zomeruniversiteit Vrouwenstudies 1981 (pp. 237-241). Amsterdam, Nederland: Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Houtkoop, H. (1983). Beurtwisseling en beurtopbouw in forumdiscussies [Turn-taking and turn construction in panel discussions]. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 5, 114-130.
Houtkoop, H. (1985). Kan een verzoek met "Ja" worden geaccepteerd? [Can a request be accepted with "Yes"?] Interdisciplinair Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap, 5(1), 23-40.
Houtkoop, H. (1985). Voorstel/acceptatie sequenties in telefoongesprekken [Proposal/acceptance sequences in telephone conversations]. In W.K.B. Koning (Red.) Taalbeheersing in Theorie en Praktijk (pp. 204-214). Dordrecht, Nederland/Providence, RI: Foris Publications.
Houtkoop, H. (1986). Summarizing in doctor-patient interaction. In E. Ensink, A. Van Essen, and T. van dar Geest (Eds.) Discourse analysis and public life: The political interview and doctor-patient interaction (pp. 201-221). Dordrecht, Nederland/Providence, RI: Foris Publications.
Houtkoop, H. (1986). Opening sequences in Dutch telephone conversation. Tilburg Papers in Language and Literature, No. 101. [ʳ]
Houtkoop, H. (1987). Making arrangements: Proposal-acceptance sequences in Dutch telephone conversations. In M.B. Papi and J. Verschuren (Eds.) The pragmatic perspective (pp. 345-354). Amsterdam, Nederland: Benjamins.
Houtkoop, H. (1987). Establishing agreement: An analysis of proposal-acceptance sequences. Dordrecht, Nederland/Providence, RI: Foris Publications. 
Houtkoop, H. (1988). De interactionele functie van het toelichten van voorstellen in alledaagse gesprekken [The interactional function of accounting for proposals in everyday conversations]. Interdisciplinair Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap, 8(1), 19-33.
Houtkoop, H. (1988). Accounting for proposals. Journal of Pragmatics, 13(2).
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Houtkoop-Steenstra, H. (1986). Claimen en demonstreren in gesprekken [Claiming and demonstrating in conversation]. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 8(3), 222-234.
Houtkoop-Steenstra, H., and Mazeland, H. (1982). Beurten en grotere gesprekseenheden [Turns and larger conversational units]. Interdisciplinair Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap, 2, 105-135.
Houtkoop-Steenstra, H., and Mazeland, H. (1986). Turns and discourse units in everyday conversation. Journal of Pragmatics, 9(5), 595-619.
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Hughes, J.A., Anderson, R.J., and Sharrock, W.W. (forthcoming). The sociology of machines. Sociology.
Hustler, D.E. (1980). Adult-child clarification sequences. In M. McClure and P. French (Eds.) Adult-child conversation. London, UK: Croom Helm.
Hustler, D.E. (1988). Teachers' knowledge, sociologists' knowledge and collaboration. In P. Woods and A. Plooard (Eds.) Sociology and teaching. London, UK: Croom Helm.
Hustler, D.E. (1988). It's not like normal lessons: You don't have to wag school anymore. In A. Pollard, J. Purvis, and G. Walford (Eds.) Education, training and the new vocationalism. Open University Press.
Hustler, D.E., and Cuff, E.C. (1980). Stories and story-time in an infant classroom. In M. McClure and P. French (Eds.) Adult-child conversation. London, UK: Croom Helm.
Hustler, D.E., and Cuff, E.C. (1982). Telling a story: Teacher and pupil competence in an infant school. In G.C.F. Payne and E.C. Cuff (Eds.) Doing teaching. London, UK: Batsford.
Hustler, D.E., and Cummings, C. (1986). Action research and teacher's professional knowledge. In D.E. Hustler, E.C. Cuff, and A. Cassidy (Eds.) Action research in classrooms and schools. London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Hustler, D.E., and Payne, G.C.F. (1985). Ethnographic conversational analysis. In R. Burgess (Ed.) Strategies of educational research: Qualitative methods. Falmer Press.

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Jalbert, P.L. (1983). Some constructs for analyzing news. In H. Davis and P. Walton (Eds.) Language, image, media (pp. 282-299). Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell.
Jalbert, P.L. (1984). 'News speak' about the Lebanon war. Journal of Palestine Studies, 14(1), 16-35.
Jalbert, P.L. (in press, 1989). Charting the logical geography of the concept of 'cease-fire'. Journal of Film and Video.
Jalbert, P.L. (1989). Categorization and beliefs: News accounts of Haitian and Cuban refugees. In D.T. Helm, W.T. Anderson, A.J. Meehan, and A.W. Rawls (Eds.) The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order (pp. 231-248). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Jayyusi, L. (1984). Categorization and the moral order. Boston, MA: Routledge and Kegan Paul. [Reviews: J.D. Brewer in British Journal of Sociology, 1985, 36(4), 631-632; D. Francis, Journal of the British for Phenomenology, 18(1).]
Jayyusi, L. (1988). Toward a socio-logic of the film text. Semiotica, 68(3/4), 271-296.
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Jefferson, G. (1972). Side sequences. In D.N. Sudnow (Ed.) Studies in social interaction (pp. 294-338). New York, NY: Free Press.
Jefferson, G. (1973). A case of precision timing in ordinary conversation: Overlapped tag-positioned address terms in closing sequences. Semiotica, 9(1), 47-96.
Jefferson, G. (1974). Error correction as an interactional resource. Language in Society, 3(2), 181-199.
Jefferson, G. (1978). Sequential aspects of storytelling in conversation. In J. Schenkein (Ed.) Studies in the organization of conversational interaction (pp. 219-248). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Jefferson, G. (1978). What's in a "nyem"? Sociology, 12(1), 135-139.
Jefferson, G. (1979). A technique for inviting laughter and its subsequent acceptance/declination. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 79-96). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Jefferson, G. (1980). On "trouble-premonitory" response to inquiry. Sociological Inquiry, 50(3/4), 153-185.
Jefferson, G. (1981). The abominable "ne?": An exploration of post-response pursuit of response. In P. Schroder (Hrsg.) Sprache der gegenwaart (pp. 53-88). Dijseldorf, BRD: Padagogischer Verlag Schwann. [expanded version in Manchester Sociology Occasional Papers (1981). No. 6, 1-82. [ʲ]
Jefferson, G. (1983). On exposed and embedded correction in conversation. Studium Linguistik, 14, 58-68. [Reprinted in G. Button and J.R.E. Lee (Eds.) (1987). Talk and social organization (pp. 86-100). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Jefferson, G. (1983). On a failed hypothesis: 'Conjunctionals' as overlap-vulnerable. Tilburg Papers in Language and Literature, No. 28, 1-33. [ʳ]
Jefferson, G. (1983). Caveat speaker: Preliminary notes on recipient topic-shift implicature. Tilburg Papers in Language and Literature, No. 30, 1-18. [ʳ]
Jefferson, G. (1983). Another failed hypothesis: Pitch/loudness as relevant to overlap resolution. Tilburg Papers in Language and Literature, No. 38, 1-24. [ʳ]
Jefferson, G. (1984). Notes on some orderlinesses of overlap onset. In V. D'Urso and P. Leonardi (Eds.) Discourse analysis and natural rhetoric (pp. 11-38). Padua, Italy: Cleup Editore. 
Jefferson, G. (1984). On stepwise transition from talk about a trouble to inappropriately next-positioned matters. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies of conversation analysis (pp. 191-222). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Jefferson, G. (1984). On the organization of laughter in talk about troubles. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 346-369). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Jefferson, G. (1984). Notes on a systematic deployment of the acknowledgement tokens "yeah" and "mm hm". Papers in Linguistics, 17(2), 197-216.
Jefferson, G. (1985). On the interactional unpackaging of a 'gloss'. Language in Society, 14, 435-466. 
Jefferson, G. (1985). An exercise in the transcription and analysis of laughter. In T. Van Dijk (Ed.)  Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. 3: Discourse and dialogue (pp. 25-34). London, UK: Academic Press.
Jefferson, G. (1986). Notes on 'latency' in overlap onset. Human Studies, 9(2/3), 153-183.
Jefferson, G. (1988). On the sequential organization of troubles talk in ordinary conversation. Social Problems, 35(4), 418-442.
Jefferson, G. (1988). Notes on a possible metric which provides for a 'standard maximum' silence of approximately one second in conversation. In D. Roger and P. Bull (Eds.) Conversation: An interdisciplinary perspective. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Jefferson, G. (in press). List construction as a task and interactional resource. In G. Psathas and (Ed.) Interactional competence (pp. 63-92). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Jefferson, G. (forthcoming). Notes on caricature versus capturing pronunciational particular. In K. Ehlich and Kallmeyers (Eds.) Recording and analyzing spoken language. Hamburg, BRD: Buske.
Jefferson, G., and Lee, J.R.E. (1980). End of grant report to the British SSRC on the analysis of conversations in which "troubles" and "anxieties" are expressed. (Ref. HR 4802).  (awarded to G. Jefferson and J. R. E. Lee - University of Manchester, Oct. 78 - Sept. 30, 1980).
Jefferson, G., and Lee, J.R.E. (1981). The rejection of advice: Managing the problematic convergence of a 'troubles-telling' and a 'service encounter'. Journal of Pragmatics, 5(5), 399-422.
Jefferson, G., Sacks, H., and Schegloff, E.A. (1977). Preliminary notes on the sequential organization of laughter. Pragmatics Microfiche. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Department of Linguistics.
Jefferson, G., Sacks, H., and Schegloff, E.A. (1987). Notes on laughter in the pursuit of intimacy. In G. Button and J.R.E. Lee (Eds.) Talk and social organization (pp. 152-205). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Jefferson, G., and Schenkein, J. N.(1977). Some sequential negotiations in conversation: Unexpanded and expanded versions of projected action sequences.  Sociology, 11(1), 87-103. [Reprinted in J. N. Scheinkein (Ed.) (1978). Studies in the organization of conversational interaction (pp. 155-172). New York, NY Academic Press.]
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Kato, H. (1978). Nichijo niokeru imifuyo katsudo [The act of making sense in everyday life]. In T. Yoshida (Ed.) Shakaigaku [Sociology]. Tokyo, Nippon: Nihon Hyoron Sha [Reprinted in H. Kato (1986). Hiroba no komyunikeshon e [Toward the communication of the plaza]. Tokyo, Nippon: Keisoshobo
Kato, H. (1978). Shakaiteki sogosayo eno genshogakuteki sekkin [Phenomenological approaches to social interaction]. Shakaigaku Hyoron [Japanese Sociological Review], 114 [Reprinted in H. Kato (1986). Hiroba no komyunikeshon e [Toward the communication of the plaza]. Tokyo, Nippon: Keisoshobo.]
Kato, H. (1980). Esunomesodoroji [Ethnomethodology]. In S. Yasuda et al. (Eds.) Kiso Shakaigaku dai 2 kan shakai katei [Introduction to Sociology, Vol. 2, Social process]. Tokyo, Nippon: Toyokeizai Shinposha.
Kato, H. (1986). Hiroba no komyunikeshon e [Toward the communication of the plaza]. Tokyo, Nippon: Keisoshobo.
Kato, H. (1987). Josei kaiho undo to esunomesodoroji [Women's liberation movements and ethnomethodology]. In Kurihara and Shoji (Eds.) Shakai undo to bunka keisei [Social movements and cultural constructions]. Tokyo, Nippon: Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai.
Kessler, S.J., and McKenna, W. (1978). Gender: An ethnomethological approach. New York, NY: Wiley. [Review: J. Allen, Human Studies, 1980, 3(1), 107-113.]
Kitazawa, Y. (1982). Esunomesodoroji no seiin no katsudo ni taisuru kaihokogainen to 'Suiron' [The concept of et cetera and 'reasoning' in ethnomethodology]. Shakaigaku Nenshi [The Annals of Sociology], 23, 131-150.
Kitazawa, Y. (1984). Pasonzu riron to esunomesodoroji [Parsons' theories and ethnomethodology]. Shakaigaku Hyoron [Japanese Sociological Review], 34(1), 58-76.
Kitazawa, Y. (1985). Gengo niyoru koi no kosei [The construction of action by language]. In Ehara and Yamagishi (Eds.) Genshogakuteki shakaigaku [Phenomenological sociology]. Tokyo, Nippon: Sanwa Shobo.
Kitazawa, Y. (1985). Dokusa no seitosei [The legitimacy of the doxa]. Waseda Daigaku Bungakukenkyuka Kiyo Bessatsu 11 Shu [Special Edition of the Waseda University Literature Department Bulletin, Vol. 11].
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Klatzky, S. (1977). Authored delays in identification: Part one. Analytic Sociology, 1(1), A�7-D�7. [ʱ]
Klatzky, S. (1978). Authored delays in identification: Part two. Analytic Sociology, 1(2), A�4-D�8. [ʱ]
Knorr-Cetina, K. (1981). The micro-sociological challenge of macro-sociology: Towards a reconstruction of social theory and methodology. In K. Knorr-Cetina and A.V. Cicourel (Eds.) Advances in social theory and methodology: Toward an integration of micro- and macro-sociologies. London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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Kurihara, A. (1980). Shakaigaku no genzai [Sociology today]. Gendai Shiso [Review of Contemporary Thought], 8(4), 82-95. (introduces the work of David Sudnow and others to Japanese readers)
Kurihara, A. (1981). Jisatsu ron to shakaigaku sono 1 [Suicide theories and sociology No. 1]. Gendai Shiso [Review of Contemporary Thought], 9(5). [Reprinted in Seiji no shigaku [Poetics of politics] (pp. 85-89). Tokyo, Nippon: Shinyo Sha.]
Kurihara, A. (1981). Jisatsu ron to shakaigaku sono 2 [Suicide theories and sociology No. 2]. Gendai Shiso [Review of Contemporary Thought], 9(6). [Reprinted in Seiji no shigaku [Poetics of politics] (pp. 90-94). Tokyo, Nippon: Shinyo Sha.]

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Lemert, C.C. (1979). Language, structure, and measurement: Structuralist semiotics and sociology. American Journal of Sociology, 84, 929-957.
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Lester, M., and Hadden, S.C. (1980). Ethnomethodology and grounded theory methodology. Urban Life, 9, 3-33.
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Levinson, S.C. (1987). Conceptual problems in the study of regional and cultural style. In N. Dittmar and P. Schlobinski (Eds.) Methods of sociolinguistic description and explanation (pp. 161-190). Berlin: Verlag.
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Liberman, K.B (1980). Ambiguity and gratuitious concurrence in inter-cultural communication. Human Studies, 3(1), 65-85.
Liberman, K.B. (1981). Understanding Aborigines in Australian courts of law. Human Organization, 40(3), 247-255.
Liberman, K.B. (1982). Some linguistic features of congenial fellowship. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 36, 35-51.
Liberman, K.B. (1982). The organization of talk in Aboringinal community decision-making. Anthropological Forum, 5(1), 38-53.
Liberman, K.B (1982). The economy of central Australian Aboriginal expression: An inspection from the vantage of Merleau-Ponty and Derrida. Semiotica, 39(3/4), 81-160.
Liberman, K.B. (1983). Intercultural communication in Central Australia. In R. Bauman and J. Sherzer (Eds.) Case studies in the ethnography of speaking (pp. 316-326). Austin, TX: Southwestern Educational Development Laboratory.
Liberman, K.B. (1983). Review: The time of the sign. American Anthropologist, 85(2), 428-429.
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Liberman, K.B (1985). Understanding interaction in central Australia: An ethnomethodological study of Australian Aboriginal people. London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul. [Reviews: D. Boden, Contemporary Sociology, 1986, 15(6), 849-850; R.J. Anderson (with W.W. Sharrock), Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 1986; A.W. McHoul, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 1987, 23, 457-460.]
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Maynard, D.W. (1985). On the functions of social conflict among children. American Sociological Review, 50, 207-233.
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Maynard, D.W. (1986). Review: Children's conversations, by Michael McTear. First Language, 6, 241-243.
Maynard, D.W. (1986). Offering and soliciting collaboration in multi-party disputes among children (and other humans). Human Studies, 9(2/3), 261-285.
Maynard, D.W. (1986). The development of children's argumentative skills. In P.A. Adler and P. Adler (Eds.), Sociological studies of child development (pp. 233-258). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Maynard, D.W. (Ed.) (1987). Special Issue: Language and social interaction. Social Psychology Quarterly, 50(2).
Maynard, D.W. (1987). Introduction. Social Psychology Quarterly, 50, v-vi.
Maynard, D.W. (1988). On narratives and narrative structure in plea bargaining. Law and Society Review, 22, 101-133.
Maynard, D.W. (Ed.) (1988). Special Issue: Language, interaction, and social problems. Social Problems, 35(4).
Maynard, D.W. (1988). Language, interaction and social problems. Social Problems, 35(4), 311-334.
Maynard, D.W. (1989). On the ethnography and analysis of discourse in institutional settings. In J.A. Holstein and G. Miller (Eds.) Perspectives on social problems, Vol. 1 (pp. 127-146). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Maynard, D.W. (1989). Notes on the delivery and reception of diagnostic news regarding mental disabilities. In D.T. Helm, W.T. Anderson, A.J. Meehan, and A.W. Rawls (Eds.) The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order (pp. 54-67). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Maynard, D.W. (forthcoming). Bearing bad news in clinical settings. In B. Dervin (Ed.) Progress in communication sciences. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
Maynard, D.W. (forthcoming). Perspective - Display sequences in ordinary talk. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 53(2), 91-113.
Maynard, D.W. (forthcoming). On co-implicating recipients in the delivery of diagnostic news. In P. Drew and H. Heritage (Eds.) Talk at work: Language use in institutional settings. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Maynard, D.W. (forthcoming). Perspective-display sequences and the delivery of diagnostic news. In D. Boden and D.H. Zimmerman (Eds.) Talk and social structure. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Maynard, D.W., and Wilson, T.P. (1980). On the reification of social structure. In S.G. McNall and G.N. Howe (Eds.) Current perspectives in social theory: A research annual (pp. 287-322). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Maynard, D.W., and Zimmerman, D.H. (1984). Topical talk, ritual and the social organization of relationships. Social Psychology Quarterly, 47(4), 301-316.
Mayrl, W.M. (1973). Ethnomethodology: Sociology without society? Catalyst, 7, 15-28. [Reprinted in F. Dallmayr and T. McCarthy (Eds.) (1977). Understanding and social inquiry (pp. 262-279). Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.] [See: B-H Chua, 1974; W.M. Mayrl, 1974; R.G. Wegmann, 1974.] [See also response by J. Coulter (1982) in Philosophy of the Social Sciences.]
Mayrl, W.M. (1974). Reply to comments. Catalyst, 8, 85-95. [See: W.M. Mayrl, 1973; B-H Chua, 1974; R.G. Wegmann, 1974.]
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Mazeland, H. (1983). Openingssequenties van klasbeginnen [Opening sequences at the start of classes]. In H. Mazeland en J. Sturm (Red.) Onderwijs als interactieprobleem (pp. 95-121). Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen Nr. 16b.
Mazeland, H. (1985). "Morgen, nehmt Platz." Von der Pause zum Grijsen: Die Diskursspezifische Ausprɧung des Grussmusters in Anfɮgen von Unterrichtsstunden. In W. Herrlitz und H. Bolte (Hrsg.) Kommunikation im Sprachunterricht (pp. 71-130). Utrecht: Pressa Trafectina.
Mazeland, H. (1986). Repair-organisatie in onderwijs-interacties [Repair organization in classroom interaction]. In A. Scholtens en D. Springorum (Red.) Gespreksanalyse: Uitgangspunten en methoden in gespreksanalytisch onderzoek (pp. 233-246). Overasselt: Springorum.
McDermott, R.P., and Wertz, M. (1976). Doing the social order: Some ethnographic advances from communicational analysis and ethnomethodology. Reviews in Anthropology, 3, 160-174.
McHoul, A.W. (1978). Ethnomethodology and literature: Towards a sociology of reading. Poetics, 7, 113-120.
McHoul, A.W. (1978). Wittgenstein and criticism: Towards a praxiological view of the text. New Literary Review, 3, 49-57.
McHoul, A.W. (1978). The organization of turns at formal talk in the classroom. Language in Society, 7, 183-213.
McHoul, A.W. (1980). The practical methodology of reading in science and everyday life: Reading Althusser reading Marx. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 10, 129-150.
McHoul, A.W. (1981). Remarks on Moore's conception and defence of common sense. Dialectics, 35, 399-414.
McHoul, A.W. (1981). Ethnomethodology and the position of relativist discourse. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 11(2), 107-124.
McHoul, A.W. (1982). Telling how texts talk: Essays on reading and ethnomethodology. London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
McHoul, A.W. (1982). Hermeneutic and ethnomethodological formulations of conversational and textual talk. Semiotica, 38(1/2), 91-126.
McHoul, A.W. (1983). Announcing: A contribution to the critique of information systems models of human communication. Human Studies, 6, 279-294.
McHoul, A.W. (1984). Being seen to read the signs: Some extensions of the work of Sharrock and Anderson. Information Design Journal, 4, 69-76.
McHoul, A.W. (1985). Two aspects of classroom interaction, turn-taking and correction: A research report. Australian Journal of Human Communication Disorders, 13, 53-64.
McHoul, A.W. (1986). The getting of sexuality: Foucault, Garfinkel and the analysis of sexual discourse. Theory, Culture and Society, 3, 65-79.
McHoul, A.W. (1986). Wittgenstein on certainty and the problem of rule in social science. Toronto, Canada: Toronto Semiotic Circle.
McHoul, A.W. (1987). Why there are no guarantees for interrogators. Journal of Pragmatics, 11, 455-471.
McHoul, A.W. (1987). An initial investigation of the usability of fictional conversation for doing conversational analysis. Semiotica, 67, 83-104.
McHoul, A.W. (1988). Language and sociology of mind: A critical introduction to the work of Jeff Coulter. Journal of Pragmatics, 12, 339-386.
McHoul, A.W. (1988). Foucault, Garfinkel and sexual discourse: A reply to Bailey. Theory, Culture and Society, 5, 121-125.
McHoul, A.W., and Watson, D.R. (1984). Two axes for the analysis of 'commonsense' and 'formal' geographical knowledge in the classroom. British Journal of the Sociology of Education, 5(3), 281-302.
McHugh, P. (1968). Defining the situation: The organization of meaning in social interaction. New York, NY: Bobbs Merrill.
McHugh, P. (1970). On the failure of positivism. In J.D. Douglas (Ed.) Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge (pp. 324-340). Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Co.
McHugh, P. (1970). Commonsense conceptions of deviance. In H.P. Dreitzel (Ed.) Recent sociology No. 2: Patterns of communicative behavior. New York, NY: Macmillan Press.
McHugh, P., Raffel, S., Foss, D.C., and Blum, A.F. (1974). On the beginning of sociological inquiry. London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
McKeganey, N., and Bloor, M.J. (1981). On the retrieval of sociological descriptions: Respondent validation and the critical case of ethnomethodology. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 1(3), 58-69.
McKeganey, N., and Smith, B. (1980). Reading and writing as collaborative production: Some comments upon Anderson and Sharrock's "Biasing the news". Sociology, 14(4), 615-621. [Part 3 of four part debate. See: D.C. Anderson and W.W. Sharrock, 1979; G. Murdock, 1980; and W.W. Sharrock and D.C. Anderson, 1982.]
Meehan, A.J. (1981). Some conversational features of the use of medical terms by doctors and patients. In P. Atkinson and C.C. Heath (Eds). Medical work: Realities and routines (pp. 107-127). Farnborough, UK: Gower Press.
Meehan, A.J. (1986). Record-keeping practices in the policing of juveniles. Urban Life, 15(1), 70-102.
Meehan, A.J. (1989). Assessing the "police-worthiness" of citizen's complaints to the police: Accountability and the negotiation of "facts". In D.T. Helm, W.T. Anderson, A.J. Meehan, and A.W. Rawls (Eds.) The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order (pp. 116-140). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Meehan, A.J. (in press). Rule recognition and social competence: The case of children's games. Sociological Studies of Child Development.
Mehan, H. (1972). Language using abilities. Language Sciences, 22, 1-10.
Mehan, H. (1973). Assessing children's language using abilities. In J.M. Armer and A.S. Grimshaw (Eds.) Methodological issues in comparative sociological research (pp. 309-343). New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons.
Mehan, H. (1974). Ethnomethodology and education. In D. O'Shea (Ed.) Sociology of school and schooling. Washington, DC: National Institute of Education.
Mehan, H. (1974). Accomplishing classroom lessons. In A. Cicourel et al. (Eds.) Language use and school performance (pp. 76-142). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Mehan, H. (1976). Students' interactional competence in the classroom. Newsletter of the Institute for Comparative Human Development, 1(1), 3-7.
Mehan, H. (1977). Student's formulating practices and instructional strategies. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 285, 451-476.
Mehan, H. (1978). Structuring school structure. Harvard Educational Review, 48(1), 32-64.
Mehan, H. (1979). Learning lessons: Social organization in the classroom. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. [Review: J. Heap, Language in Society, 1981, 10, 279-282.]
Mehan, H. (1979). What time is it, Denise?: Some observations on the organization and consequences of asking known information questions in classroom discourse. Theory into practice, 18(4), 285-292.
Mehan, H. (1980). The competent student. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 11, 131-152.
Mehan, H. (1982). The structure of classroom events and their consequences for student performance. In P. Gilmore (Ed.) Ethnography and education: Children in and out of school (pp. 59-87). Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Mehan, H. (1982). Teachers' interpretations of students' behavior. In L.C. Wilkinson (Ed.) Communicating in the classroom. New York, NY: Academic.
Mehan, H. (1983). The role of the language of role in educational decision making. Language in Society, 12, 187-211. [Reprinted in S. Fisher and A. Todd (Eds.) (1986). Language in institutions. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Mehan, H. (1983). Le constructivisme social en psychologie et en sociologie. Sociologie et Societes, XIV(2), 77-96.
Mehan, H. (1984). Language and schooling. Sociology of Education, 57, 174-183.
Mehan, H. (1984). Practical decision making in naturally occurring institutional settings. In B. Rogoff and J. Lave (Eds.) Everyday cognition: Its development in social context. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Mehan, H. (1985). The structure of classroom discourse. In T. Van Dijk (Ed.)  Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. 3: Discourse and dialogue (pp. 120-131). London, UK: Academic Press.
Mehan, H. (1987). Language and power in organizational process. Discourse Processes, 10, 291-301.
Mehan, H. (1988). Codes, culture and context: Principles from anthropology and sociology. In M. Reynolds (Ed.) Knowledge base for beginning teachers. Boston, MA: Peragon Press.
Mehan, H. (1988). Educational handicaps as a cultural meaning system. Ethos, 71-88.
Mehan, H. (1988). Reykjavik: The breach and repair of the pure war script. Multilingua, 7(1/2), 35-66.
Mehan, H. (in press). Oracular reasoning in a psychiatric exam: The resolution of conflict in language. In A.D. Grimshaw (Ed.) Conflict talk: Sociolinguistic investigations of arguments in conversation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Mehan, H. (forthcoming). The school's work of sorting students. In D. Boden, and D.H. Zimmerman (Eds.). Talk and social structure. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Mehan, H. (with A.V. Cicourel) (1985). Universal development, stratifying practices and status attainment. Social Stratification and Mobility, 4, 3-27.
Mehan, H. (with P. Davies) (1988). Professional and family understanding of impaired communication. British Journal of Disorder of Communication, 23, 141-151.
Mehan, H. (with E. Diaz, L. Moll) (1986). Sociocultural resources in instruction: A context specific approach. In Beyond language (pp. 187-230). Sacramento, CA: California State Department of Education.
Mehan, H., and Griffin, P. (1980). Socialization: The view from classroom interactions. Sociological Inquiry, 50(3/4), 357-391.
Mehan, H. (with P. Griffin) (1981). Sense and ritual in classroom discourse. In F. Coulmas (Ed.) Conversational routines: Explorations in standardized communication situations and prepatterned speech. The Hague: Mouton.
Mehan, H., Heertweck, A., and Meihls, J.L. (1986). Handicapping the handicapped: Decision making in students' educational careers. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.  
Mehan, H. (with B. Jules-Rosette) (1986). Desegregation: An interactionalist approach. In M.J. Lerner (Ed.) Advancing the art of inquiry in school desegregation research (pp. 205-228). New York, NY: Plenum.
Mehan, H., and Mills, J. (1988). MEND: A nurturing voice in the nuclear arms debate. Social Problems, 35(4), 363-383.
Mehan, H. (with M.M. Riel) (1982). Teachers and students' instructional strategies. In L.L. Adler (Ed.) Cross-cultural research at issue. New York, NY: Academic.
Mehan, H. (with R. Rueda) (1986). Metacognition and passing: Strategic interactions in the life of learning disabled students. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 17(3), 145-165.
Mehan, H., and Wood, H. (1975). An image of man for ethnomethodology. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 5, 365-376.
Mehan, H., and Wood, H. (1975). The morality of ethnomethodology. Theory and Society, 2, 509-530.
Mehan, H., and Wood, H. (1975). The reality of ethnomethodology.  New York, NY: Wiley. [Reprinted Malabar, FL: Robt. E. Krieger Publishing Co., 1983.]  [Review: P. Piccone, Telos, 1975, 26, 195-213.] [German translation of Chapter 2: (1976). FĮf Merkmale der Realitɴ. In E. Weingarten, F. Sack, und J. Schenkein (Hrsg.) Ethnomethodologie (pp. 29-63). Frankfurt, BRD: Suhrkamp.]
Mehan, H., and Wood, H. (1976). De-secting ethnomethodology: A reply to Lewis A. Coser's presidential address to the American Sociological Association. American Sociologist, 11(1), 13-21. [See: L. Coser, 1975.]
Mennell, S. (1976). Ethnomethodology and the new methodenstreit. In D.C. Thorn (Ed.) New directions in sociology (pp. 139-157). New York, NY: Rowman Littlefield.
Merritt, M. (1976). On questions following questions in service encounters. Language in society, 5(3), 315-357.
Michel, C.R. (forthcoming). Ethnographic description and ethnomethodological findings. Anthropology and Education Quarterly.
Miller, G. (1983). Holding clients accountable. Social Problems, 31, 139-151.
Miller, G. (1985). Work, ritual structures and the legitimation of alternative communities. Work and Occupations, 12, 3-22.
Miller, G. (1985). Client attitude and organizational process. Urban Life, 13, 367-394.
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Psathas, G. (1973). Introduction to G. Psathas (Ed.) Phenomenological sociology: Issues and applications (pp. 1-21). John Wiley - Interscience.
Psathas, G. (1976). The study of everyday structures and the ethnomethodological paradigm. In R. Grathoff and W. Sprondel (Eds.) Alfred Schutz und die Idee des Alltags fur die Sozialwissenschaften Enke Verlag. Stuttgart, BRD.
Psathas, G. (1976). Mobility, orientation and navigation: Conceptual and theoretical considerations. In New outlooks for the blind, November, Vol. 70, 385-391.
Psathas, G. (1977). Goffman's image of man. Humanity and Society, 1(1).
Psathas, G. (1977). Ethnomethodology as a phenomenological approach in the social sciences. In R. Zaner and D. Ihde (Eds.) Interdisciplinary phenomenology, Vol. VI,  Selected studies of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (pp. 73-98). The Hague: Martinus Hijhoff.
Psathas, G. (Ed.) (1979). Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology. New York, NY: Irvington Publishers. [Reviews: L. Langsdorf, Human Studies, 1985, 8, 191-194; W. Handel, Contemporary Sociology, 1981.]
Psathas, G. (1979). Organizational features of direction maps. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology. (pp. 203-225). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
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Psathas, G. (in press). The organization of talk, gaze, and activity in a medical interview.  In G. Psathas (Ed.) Interaction competence (pp.205-230). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Psathas, G. (forthcoming). Structure of direction-giving in interaction. In D. Zimmerman, D. Boden, and D. Maynard (Eds.) Talk and social structure. 
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Rawls, A.W. (1984). Interaction as a resource for epistemological critique: A comparison of Goffman and Sartre. Sociological Theory, 2, 222-251.
Rawls, A.W. (1985). Reply to Gallant and Kleinman on symbolic interaction vs. ethnomethodology. Symbolic Interaction, 8(1), 121-140.
Rawls, A.W. (1987). The interaction order sui generis: Goffman's contribution to social theory. Sociological Theory, 5(2), 136-149.
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Rodgers, G.J. (1975). Deviance: An ethnomethodological account. Graduate Faculty Journal of Sociology, 1, 37-56.
Rogers, M.F. (1983). Sociology, ethnomethodology, and experience: A phenomenological critique. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [See discussion by Anderson, Hughes, and Sharrock (1985) in J. Bri. Soc. for Phenom.] [Review: B. Torode, Sociology, 1984, 18(4), 596-598; D. Maynard, Contemporary Sociology, 1984, 13(5), 643-644.]
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Rubenstein, D. (1977). The concept of action in the social sciences. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 7, 209-236.
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Sacks, H. (1963). Sociological description. Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 8, 1-16.
Sacks, H. (1964-1972). Unpublished transcribed lectures. (transcribed by Gail Jefferson). The 1964-1965 lectures have been published in Human Studies, 1989, 12(3/4); edited by Gail Jefferson with an introduction by E.A. Schegloff. The remainder are expected to be published by Basil Blackwell in the near future. [ʸ]
Sacks, H. (1967). The search for help: No one to turn to. In E. Schneidman (Ed.) Essays in self destruction (pp. 203-223). New York, NY: Science House.
Sacks, H. (1971). Das Erzɨlen von Geschichten Innerhalb von Unterhaltungen. K? Zeitschrift fIJ Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 15, 307-317.
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Sacks, H. (1972). On the analyzability of stories by children. In J.J. Gumperz and D. Hymes (Eds.) Directions in sociolinguistics: The ethnography of communication (pp. 329-345). New York, NY: Holt, Reinhart and Winston. [Reprinted in R. Turner (Ed.) (1974). Ethnomethodology (pp. 216-232). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.]
Sacks, H. (1972). Notes on police assessment of moral character. In D.N. Sudnow (Ed.) Studies in social interaction (pp. 280-293). New York, NY: Free Press. [Reprinted in W. Sanders (Ed.) (1974). The sociologist as detective.  New York, NY: Praeger.]
Sacks, H. (1973). On some puns: With some intimations. In R.W. Shuy (Ed.) Sociolinguistics: Current trends and prospects (pp. 135-144). 23rd Annual Round Table, Monograph series on Language and Linguistics. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Sacks, H. (1973). Tout le monde doit mentir. [Everyone has to lie]. Communications, 20, 182-203.
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Sacks, H. (1976). On formulating context. Pragmatics Microfiche, 1(7):F5-G8.
Sacks, H. (1978). Some technical considerations of a dirty joke. In J. Schenkein (Ed.) Studies in the organization of conversational interaction (pp. 249-269). New York, NY: Academic Press. [four lectures (U. of C., Irvine)  - Lectures 9-12 - by H. Sacks Nov 1971 compiled and edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H. (1979). Hotrodder: A revolutionary category. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 7-14). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers. [from a lecture (UCLA) by H. Sacks (1966) compiled and edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H. (1980). Button button who's got the button? Sociological Inquiry, 50(3/4), 318-327. [from a lecture (UCLA) by H. Sacks (1966) compiled and edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H. (1984). Notes on methodology. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.)  Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 21-27). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [from lectures by H. Sacks compiled and edited by Gail Jefferson and the volume editors.]
Sacks, H. (1984). On doing "being ordinary". In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 413-529). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [from lectures (U. of C., Irvine) by H. Sacks (1970, 1971) compiled and edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H. (1985). The inference-making machine: Notes on observability. In T. Van Dijk (Ed.)  Handbook of discourse analysis, Vol. 3: Discourse and dialogue (pp. 13-23). London, UK: Academic Press. [this is an edited version of Lectures I and II, Winter 1964-Spring 1965, delivered in a University of California, Los Angeles course in sociology. The transcriber is unknown. Edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H. (1986). Some considerations of a story told in ordinary conversations. Poetics, 15, 127-138. [from lectures (U. of C., Irvine) by H. Sacks (1970) compiled and edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H. (1987). On the preference for agreement and contiguity in sequences in conversation. In G. Button and J.R.E. Lee (Eds.) Talk and social organization (pp. 54-69). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. [from a lecture by H. Sacks edited by E.A. Schegloff with the assistance of J. Mandelbaum.]
Sacks, H. (1987). 'You want to find out if anybody really does care'. In G. Button and J.R.E. Lee (Eds.) Talk and social organization (pp. 219-225). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters. [from a lecture (UCLA) by H. Sacks (1964) compiled and edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H. (in press). On members' measurement systems. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Interaction competence. New York, NY: Irvington Publishers. [from lectures (U. of C., Irvine) by H. Sacks (1966, 1967, 1970) compiled and edited by Gail Jefferson.]
Sacks, H., and Schegloff, E.A. (1979). Two preferences in the organization of reference to persons in conversation and their interaction. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 15-21). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Sacks, H., Schegloff, E.A., and Jefferson, G. (1974). A simplest systematics for the organization of turn-taking in conversation. Language, 50(4), 696-735. [Version in J. Schenkein (Ed.) (1978). Studies in the organization of conversational interaction (pp. 7-55). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Sano, M. (1984). Reiberingu ron ni kansuru genshogakuteki hihan [Phenomenological critics of the labeling theory]. Toyo Daigaku Daigakuin Kiyo, [Toyo University Graduate School Bulletin], 20. [Academic Year: 1983].
Sano, M. (1985). Itsudatsu kenkyu to esunomesodoroji [Deviance study and ethnomethodology]. Toyo Daigaku Daigakuin Kiyo [Toyo University Graduate School Bulletin], 21. [Academic Year: 1984.]
Schasfoort, M. (1984). De conversatie-analytische beschrijving van gesprekken als sociale interactie [The conversation analytic description of conversations as social interaction]. Tijdschrift voor Taal- en Tekstwetenschap, 4, 41-67.
Schasfoort, M. (1986). Conversatie-analyse in theorie en praktijk: Enkele methodologische overwegingen [Conversation analysis in theory and practice: Some methodological considerations]. In A. Scholtens en A. Springorum (Red.) Gespreksanalyse: Uitgangspunten en methoden in gespreksanalytisch onderzoek (pp. 49-66). Overasselt: Springorum.
Schegloff, E.A. (1963). Toward a reading of psychiatric theory. Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 8, 61-91.
Schegloff, E.A. (1968). Sequencing in conversational openings. American Anthropologist, 70, 1075-1095. [Reprinted in J.J. Gumperz and D. Hymes (Eds.) (1972). Directions in sociolinguistics (pp. 346-380). New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.] [Also reprinted in P.P. Giglioli (Ed.) (1972). Language and social context (pp. 95-135). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.]
Schegloff, E.A. (1972). Notes on a conversational practice: Formulating place. In D.N. Sudnow (Ed.) Studies in social interaction (pp. 75-119). New York, NY: Free Press. [Excerpts reprinted in P.P. Giglioli (Ed.) (1972). Language and social context (pp. 95-135). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.]
Schegloff, E.A. (1979). Identification and recognition in telephone conversation openings. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 23-78). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers. [A shortened version previously appeared in I. DeSola Pool (Ed.) (1976). The social impact of the telephone. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.]
Schegloff, E.A. (1979). The relevance of repair to syntax-for-conversation. In T. Givon (Ed.) Syntax and semantics, Vol.12: Discourse and syntax (pp. 261-288). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1980). Preliminaries to preliminaries: "Can I ask you a question?". Sociological Inquiry, 50(3/4), 104-152.
Schegloff, E.A. (1982). Discourse as an interactional achievement: Some uses of 'uh huh' and other things that come between sentences. In D. Tannen (Ed.) Georgetown University Round Table on Language and Linguistics: Analyzing Discourse: Text and Talk (1981) (pp. 71-93). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1984). On some questions and ambiguities in conversation. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Ed.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 28-52). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1984). On some gestures' relation to talk. In J.M. Atkinson and J.C. Heritage (Eds.) Structures of social action: Studies in conversation analysis (pp. 266-296). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1986). The routine as achievement. Human Studies, 9(2/3), 111-151.
Schegloff, E.A. (1987). Between micro and macro: Contexts and other connections. In J. Alexander, B. Giesen, R. MĮch, and N. Smelser (Eds.) The micro-macro link (pp. 207-234). Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1987). Analyzing single episodes of interaction: An exercise in conversation analysis. Social Psychology Quarterly, 50(2), 101-114.
Schegloff, E.A. (1987). Recycled turn beginnings: A precise repair mechanism in conversation's turn-taking organization. In G. Button and J.R.E. Lee (Eds.) Talk and social organization (pp. 70-85). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Schegloff, E.A. (1987). Some sources of misunderstanding in talk-in-interaction. Linguistics, 25, 201-218.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988). Discourse as an interactional achievement II: An exercise in conversation analysis. In D. Tannen (Ed.) Linguistics in context: Connecting observation and understanding (pp. 135-159). (Vol. 29 in the series Advances in Discourse Processes). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988). Goffman and the analysis of conversation. In P. Drew and A.J. Wootton (Eds.) Erving Goffman: Perspectives on the interaction order (pp. 89-135). Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988). On an actual virtual servo-mechanism for guessing bad news: A single case analysis. Social Problems, 35(4), 442-457.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988). Presequences and indirection: Applying speech act theory to ordinary conversation. Journal of Pragmatics, 12, 55-62.
Schegloff, E.A. (forthcoming). On the organization of sequences as a source of 'coherence' in talk-in-interaction. In B. Dorval (Ed.) Conversational coherence in developmental perspective. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
Schegloff, E.A. (forthcoming). Reflections on talk and social structure. In D. Boden and D.H. Zimmerman (Eds.) Talk and social structure. Cambridge,UK: Polity Press.
Schegloff, E.A. (1988/1989). Reflections on l'affaire Bush/Rather. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 22, 215-240. [ʴ]
Schegloff, E.A. (forthcoming). Reflections on language, development and the interactional character of talk-in-interaction. In M. Bornstein and J.S. Bruner (Eds.) Interaction in human development. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Schegloff, E.A. (forthcoming). To Searle on conversation: A note in return. In J. Verscheuren (Ed.) On conversation. Amsterdam, Nederland: John Benjamin's B.V.
Schegloff, E.A. (forthcoming). Description in the social sciences. Papers in Pragmatics, 2(1).
Schegloff, E.A., Jefferson, G., and Sacks, H. (1977). The preference for self-correction in the organization of repair in conversation. Language, 53(2), 361-382. [Reprinted in  G. Psathas (Ed.) (in press). Interaction competence (pp. 31-62). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.]
Schegloff, E.A., and Sacks, H. (1973). Opening up closings. Semiotica, 7, 289-327. [Slightly abridged version in R. Turner (Ed.) (1974). Ethnomethodology (pp. 233-264). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.]
Schenkein, J.N. (1972). Towards the analysis of natural conversation and the sense of 'heheh'. Semiotica, 6, 344-377.
Schenkein, J. (1976). Letzte Bemerkungen zur Ethnomethodologie. In E. Weingarten, F. Sack, and J. Schenkein (Hrsg.) Ethnomethodologie. Frankfurt, BRD: Suhrkamp.
Schenkein, J. (1976). Review: Conversation analysis by D.E. Allen and R.F. Guy. Language in Society, 5(3), 387-389.
Schenkein, J.N. (Ed.) (1978). Studies in the organization of conversational interaction. New York, NY: Academic Press. [Reviews: J. Streeck, Journal of Pragmatics, 4, 401-410; H. Mehan and J.L. Meihls, American Journal of Sociology, 1980.]
Schenkein, J.N. (1978). Identity negotiations in conversation. In J. Schenkein (Ed.) Studies in the organization of conversational interaction (pp. 57-78). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Schenkein, J.N. (1978). An introduction to the study of 'socialization' through analyses of conversational interaction. Semiotica, 24, 277-304.
Schenkein, J.N. (1979). The radio raiders story. In G. Psathas (Ed.) Everyday language: Studies in ethnomethodology (pp. 187-201). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Schenkein, J.N. (1980). A taxonomy for repeating action sequences in natural conversation. In B. Butterworth (Ed.) Language production, Vol. 1: Speech and talk (pp. 21-57). London, UK: Academic Press.
Schwartz, H. (1976). On recognizing mistakes: A case of practical reasoning in psychotherapy. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 6, 55-73.
Schwartz, H. (1978). Understanding 'misunderstanding'. Analytic Sociology, 1(3), A�3-C11. [ʱ]
Schwartz, H. (1979). Data: Who needs it?: Describing normal environments - examples and methods. Analytic Sociology, 2(1), A�4-C12.  [ʱ]
Schwartz, H. (1989). The life history of a social norm. In D.T. Helm, W.T. Anderson, A.J. Meehan, and A.W. Rawls (Eds.) The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order (pp. 162-185). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Schwartz, H., and Jacobs, J. (1979). Qualitative sociology: A method to the madness. New York, NY: Free Press. [Review: R.J. Anderson, British Journal of Sociology, 31(4), 586-588.]
Sharrock, W.W. (1970). The problem of order. In P. Worsley et al. Introducing sociology. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Sharrock, W.W. (1970). Some practical problems for the sociology of knowledge. Proceedings of the Conference of Teachers in Colleges and Departments of Education.
Sharrock, W.W. (1974). On owning knowledge. In R. Turner (Ed.) Ethnomethodology (pp. 45-53). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Sharrock, W.W. (1977). The problem of order. In P. Worsley (Ed.) Introducing sociology, 2nd edition, (pp. 477-566). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Sharrock, W.W. (1979). Comments on Austin's "Symbols and culture". Social Analysis, 3, 65-68.
Sharrock, W.W. (1979). Ethnomethodology. In G.D. Mitchel (Ed.) A new dictionary of the social sciences (pp. 71-72). New York, NY: Aldine.
Sharrock, W.W. (1980). Portraying the professional relationship. In D.C. Anderson (Ed.) Health education in context. London, UK: Croom Helm.
Sharrock, W.W. (1980). The possibility of social change. In D.C. Anderson (Ed.) The ignorance of social intervention. London, UK: Croom Helm.
Sharrock, W.W. (1981). The preservation of naturalness in social inquiry. Analytic Sociology, 2(4). [A comment by D.C. Anderson follows.] [ʱ]
Sharrock, W.W. (1982). Some problems with social research. Institute of Economic Affairs Papers.
Sharrock, W.W. (1982). Talk and teaching. In G.C.F. Payne and E.C. Cuff (Eds.) Doing teaching. London, UK: Batsford.
Sharrock, W.W. (1984). The social realities of deviance. In R.J. Anderson, and W.W. Sharrock (Eds.) Applied sociological perspectives (pp. 86-105). London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Sharrock, W.W. (1987). Individual and society. In R.J. Anderson, J.A. Hughes, and W.W. Sharrock (Eds.) Classic disputes in sociology (pp. 126-156). London, UK: Allen and Unwin.
Sharrock, W.W. (1987). Theoretical schools. In P. Worsley (Ed.) The new introducing sociology. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Sharrock, W.W. (with D.C. Anderson) (1980). Hospital signs as sociological data. Information Design Journal. [See: A.W. McHoul, 1984.]
Sharrock, W.W., and Anderson, D.C. (1981). Language, thought and reality, again. Sociology, 15(2), 287-293. [Review article:  Language and ideology by Kress and Hodge; Language and control by Fowler, Hodge, Kress and Trew; The Material word by Silverman and Torode.]
Sharrock, W.W., and Anderson, D.C. (1982). The persistent evasion of technical problems in media studies: A reply to Murdock and McKeganey and Smith. Sociology, 16(1), 108-115. [Part 4 of four part debate. See: D.C. Anderson and W.W. Sharrock, 1979; G. Murdock, 1980; and N. McKeganey and B. Smith, 1980.]
Sharrock, W.W. (with R.J. Anderson) (1980). Ethnomethodology and British sociology. Transactions of the Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association.
Sharrock, W.W., and Anderson, R.J. (1982). On the demise of the native: Some observations on and a proposal for ethnography. Human Studies, 5(2), 119-135.
Sharrock, W.W., and Anderson, R.J. (1985). Magic, witchcraft, and the materialist mentality. Human Studies, 8, 357-375.
Sharrock, W.W., and Anderson, R.J. (1985). Criticizing forms of life. Philosophy, 60, 394-400.
Sharrock, W.W., and Anderson, R.J. (1986). Margaret Gilbert on the social nature of language. Synthese, 68, 553-558.
Sharrock, W.W., and Anderson, R.J. (1986). Understanding Peter Winch. Inquiry, 28, 119-122.
Sharrock, W.W., and Anderson, R.J. (1986). The ethnomethodologists. London, UK: Tavistock.
Sharrock, W.W., and Anderson, R.J. (1987). Work flow in a paediatric clinic. In G. Button and J.R.E. Lee (Eds.) Talk and social organization (pp. 244-260). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Sharrock, W.W., and Anderson, R.J. (1987). Epilogue: The definition of alternatives: Some sources of confusion in interdisciplinary discussion. In G. Button and J.R.E. Lee (Eds.) Talk and social organization (pp. 290-321). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Sharrock, W.W. (with R.J. Anderson) (1988). Two conceptions of orderliness and their implementation. Manchester Sociology Occasional Papers. [ʲ]
Sharrock, W.W., Anderson, R.J., and Hughes, J.A. (forthcoming). Methodological reasoning in the research process. 
Sharrock, W.W. (with J.A. Hughes and R.J. Anderson) (1988). Cartesian economics. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics.
Sharrock, W.W. (with J.A. Hughes and R.J. Anderson) (forthcoming). Socio-economics as a self-defeating project. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics.
Sharrock, W.W. (with B. Katz) (1976). Eine Darstellung des Kodierens. In E. Weingarten, F. Sack, and J. Schenkein (Hrsg.) Ethnomethodologie. Frankfurt, BRD: Suhrkamp.
Sharrock, W.W., and Katz, B.A. (1978). Playing with other minds. Analytic Sociology, 1(2), F�1-G13. [ʱ]
Sharrock, W.W., and Turner, R. (1978). On a conversational environment for equivocality. In J. Schenkein (Ed.) Studies in the organization of conversational interaction (pp. 173-197). New York, NY: Academic Press.
Sharrock, W.W., and Turner, R. (1980). Observation, esoteric knowledge, and automobiles. Human Studies, 3, 19-31.
Sharrock, W.W., and Watson, D.R. (1984). What's the point of 'rescuing motives'? British Journal of Sociology, 35(3), 435-451. [Part 2 of four part debate. See: S. Bruce and R. Wallis, 1983 and 1985.]
Sharrock, W.W., and Watson, D.R. (1986). Re-locating motives. British Journal of Sociology, 37(4), 581-583. [Part 4 of four part debate. See: S. Bruce and R. Wallis, 1983 and 1985.]
Sharrock, W.W. (with D.R. Watson) (1987). Control in the gaming situation. In D. Crookall, C. Greenblat, J. Klabbers, and A. Coote (Eds.) Simulation-gaming in the late 1980's. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.
Sharrock, W.W. (with D.R. Watson) (1987). Interactional aspects of the organisation of a business game. In D. Crookall, C. Greenblat, J. Klabbers, and A. Coote (Eds.) Simulation-gaming in the late 1980's. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.
Sharrock, W.W. (with D.R. Watson) (1988). Reality management in simulation exercises. In D. Crookall (Ed.) Simulation-gaming in education and training. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.
Sharrock, W.W., and Watson, D.R. (1988). Autonomy among social theories: The incarnation of social structures. In N. Fielding (Ed.) Actions and structure: Research methods and social theory. London, UK: Sage.
Sharrock, W.W. (with D.R. Watson) (forthcoming). Talk and police work. In H. Coleman (Eds.) The language of work. Mouton.
Sharrock, W.W. (with D.R. Watson) (forthcoming). Something on accounts. Discourse Analysis Research Group Newsletter. [ʷ]
Shimoda, N. (1978). Shakaigakuteki shiko no kiso [Foundation of sociological thought]. Tokyo, Nippon: Shinsen Sha
Shimoda, N. (1981). Shakaigakuteki shiko no kiso [Foundation of sociological thought]. Tokyo, Nippon: Shinsen Sha [Revised and enlarged edition of the N. Shimoda (1978) text].
Shinmei, M. (1977). Shakaigaku niokeru 'Nichjo seikatsu' no gainen ni tsuite [The concept 'everyday life' in sociology]. Sociorojika, 1(1). [Reprinted in M. Shinmei (1979). Gendaishakaigaku no shikaku. [Perspectives of contemporary sociology]. Tokyo, Nippon: Kosesha Kosekaku.
Silverman, D. (1973). Interview talk: Bringing off a research instrument. Sociology, 7(1), 31-48.
Skidmore, W. (1979). Ethnomethodology. In W. Skidmore Theoretical thinking in sociology (pp. 236-260). Cambridge.
Smith, D.E. (1974). The social construction of documentary reality. Sociological Inquiry, 44(4), 257-268.
Smith, D.E. (1974). Theorizing as ideology. In R. Turner (Ed.) Ethnomethodology (pp. 41-44). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Smith, D.E. (1978). K is mentally ill: The anatomy of a factual account. Sociology, 12, 23-53. [German translation: (1976). K ist geisteskrank: Die Anatomie eines Tatsachenberichts. In E. Weingarten, F. Sack, and J. Schenkein (Hrsg.) (1976). Ethnomethodologie. Frankfurt, BRD: Suhrkamp.]
Smith, D.E. (1979). The intersubjective structuring of time: An analysis of how it was done on a particular occasion. Analytic Sociology, 2(1), C13-E12. [ʱ]
Smith, D.E. (1981). On sociological description: A method from Marx. Human Studies, 4, 313-337.
Smith, D.E. (1982). The active text: An approach to analyzing texts as constituents of social relations. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Sociological Association, Mexico City, August. [Forthcoming in a collection edited by D.E. Smith.]
Smith, D.E. (1983). No one commits suicide: Textual analysis of ideological practices. Human Studies, 6, 309-359.
Smith, D.E. (1984). Textually mediated social organization. International Social Sciences Journal, 34, 59-75.
Smith, D.E. (1988). The everyday world as problematic. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
Soloski, J., and Daley, P.J. (1980). Symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology: A perspective on qualitative research. Quarterly Journal of Ideology, 4(1), 1-21.
Speier, M. (1970). The everyday world of the child. In J.D. Douglas (Ed.) Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge (pp. 188-218). Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Co.
Speier, M. (1972). Some conversational problems for interactional analysis. In D.N. Sudnow (Ed.) Studies in social interaction (pp. 397-427). New York, NY: Free Press.
Speier, M. (1973). How to observe face-to-face communication: A sociological introduction. Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear Publishing Co.
Speier, M. (1976). The child as conversationalist: Some culture contact features of conversational interactions between adults and children. In M. Hammersley and P. Woods (Eds.) The process of schooling (pp. 98-103). London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Stoddart, K. (1974). Pinched: Notes on the ethnographer's location of argot. In R. Turner (Ed.) Ethnomethodology (pp. 173-179). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
Streeck, J. (1980). Speech acts in interaction: A critique of Searle. Discourse Processes, 3, 133-153.
Streeck, J. (1984). Embodied contexts, transcontextuals, and the timing of speech acts. Journal of Pragmatics, 8, 113-137.
Suchman, L.A. (1983). Office procedures as practical action: Models of work and system design. ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems, 1(4), 320-328.
Suchman, L.A. (1987). Plans and situated actions: The problem of human-machine communication. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Suchman, L.A. (1988). Representing practice in cognitive science. Human Studies, 11, 305-325.
Suchman, L.A. (with R. Trigg) (1988). AI as craftwork: Designing intelligent machines. In S. Chaiklin and J. Lave (Eds.) Situation, occasion and context in activity. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Suchman, L.A., and Trigg, R. (in press).  Construction shared conceptual objects: A study of whiteboard practice. In J. Lave and S. Chaiklin (Eds.) Situation, occasion, and context in activity. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Sudnow, D.N. (1965). Normal crimes: Sociological features of the penal code in a public defender's office. Social Problems, 12, 255-276.
Sudnow, D.N. (1967). Passing on: The social organization of dying. Englewood, NJ: Prentice-Hall. [Excerpts reprinted as: Counting deaths. In R. Turner (Ed.) (1974). Ethnomethodology (pp. 102-108). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.]
Sudnow, D.N. (Ed.) (1972). Studies in social interaction. New York, NY: Free Press. [Review: H. Mehan, Language and Society, 1974, 3, 157-160.]
Sudnow, D.N. (1972). Temporal parameters of interpersonal observation. In D.N. Sudnow (Ed.) Studies in social interaction (pp. 259-279). New York, NY: Free Press.
Sudnow, D.N. (1978). Ways of the hand. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Sudnow, D.N. (1979). Talk's body: A meditation between two keyboards.
Sudnow, D.N. (1984). Pilgrim in the microworld. Warner Books.

Takayama, M. (1987). Yakusha atogaki [Translator's postscript]. In 1987 Japanese translation of K. Leiter (1980). A primer on ethnomethodology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Taylor, E.L. (1989). Language and the study of shared cultural knowledge. In D.T. Helm, W.T. Anderson, A.J. Meehan, and A.W. Rawls (Eds.) The interactional order: New directions in the study of social order (pp. 215-230). New York, NY: Irvington Publishers.
Taylor, I., Walton, P., and Young, J. (1973). The new criminology: For a social theory of deviance. London, UK: Routledge and Kegan Paul. [See discussion by J. Coulter (1974); J.M. Atkinson,  (1978) p. 181 ff.]
Taylor, T., and Cameron, D. (1987). Analysing conversation: Rules and units in the structure of talk. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press. 
Terasaki, A. (1976). Pre-announcement sequences in conversation. Social Sciences Working Paper No. 99, Irvine, CA: University of California. [Edited version in Analytic Sociology, (1978), 1(4), C11-G13. [ʱ]
Tilley, N. (1980). Popper, positivism and ethnomethodology. British Journal of Sociology, 31, 28-45.
Torode, B. (1980). The essentialism of ethnomethodology. In D. Silverman and B. Torode (Eds.) The material word: Some theories of language and its limits (pp. 143-170). London, UK: Routledge.
Torode, B. (1984). The extra-ordinary in ordinary language: Social order in the talk of teachers. Konteksten nr. 5. Rotterdam, Nederland: Instituut Preventieve en Sociale Psychiatrie, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. [ʶ]
Torode, B. (1985). Articulating educational discourses. In T. Hak, J. Hafkens, and G. Nijhof (Eds.) Working Papers on Discourse and Conversational Analysis. Konteksten nr. 6 (pp. 137-150). Rotterdam, Nederland: Instituut Preventieve en Sociale Psychiatrie, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. [See response by P. ten Have in same issue.] [ʶ]
Torode, B. (Ed.) (1989). Text and talk as social practice. Dordrecht, Nederland/Providence, RI: Foris Publications.
Torode, B. (1989). Discourse analysis and everyday life. In B. Torode (Ed.) Text and talk as social practice (pp. xi-xxi). Dordrecht, Nederland/Providence, RI: Foris Publications.
Trotha, T. von (1977). Ethnomethodologie und abweichendes Verhalten. Kriminologisches Journal, 9, 98-115.
Tudor, A. (1976). Misunderstanding everyday life. The Sociological Review, 24, 479-503.
Turner, R. (1967). The ethnography of experiment. American Behavioral Scientist, 10.
Turner, R. (1969). A natural history of communication. Canadian Speech Communication Journal, 9, 30-33.
Turner, R. (1970). Words, utterances and activities. In J.D. Douglas (Ed.) Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge (pp. 169-187). Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Co. [Reprinted in R. Turner (Ed.) (1974). Ethnomethodology (pp. 197-215). Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.]
Turner, R. (1972). Some formal properties of therapy talk. In D.N. Sudnow (Ed.) Studies in social interaction (pp. 367-396). New York, NY: Free Press.
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Turner, R. (Ed.) (1974). Socialization: Acquisition of membership.  New York.
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Zimmerman, D.H. (1969). Tasks and troubles: The practical bases of work activities in a public assistance agency. In D.H. Hansen (Ed.) Explorations in sociology and counselling (pp. 237-266). New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin.
Zimmerman, D.H. (1970). The practicalities of rule use. In J.D. Douglas (Ed.) Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge (pp. 221-238). Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Co. [Reprinted in G. Salamen and K. Thompson (Eds.) People and organizations (pp. 250-265). London, UK: Longmans.]
Zimmerman, D.H. (1974). Preface. In D.L. Wieder (Ed.) Language and reality (pp. 9-26). The Hague, Nederland: Mouton.
Zimmerman, D.H. (1976). Review: Phenomenology, language, and the social sciences, by Maurice Roche. American Journal of Sociology, 81, 939-942.
Zimmerman, D.H. (1976). A reply to Professor Coser. The American Sociologist, 11, 4-13. [See: L. Coser, 1975 and 1976.]
Zimmerman, D.H. (1978). Normen im Alltag [Norms in everyday life]. K? Zeitschrift fIJ Soziologie und Sozial Psychologie, 20, 86-99.
Zimmerman, D.H. (1978). Ethnomethodology. The American Sociologist, 13, 6-14.
Zimmerman, D.H. (1983). Review essay: Social structure and social interaction: Review of Language as a social resource, by Allen D. Grimshaw. Contemporary Sociology, 12, 602-604.
Zimmerman, D.H. (1984). Talk and its occasion: The case of calling the police. In D. Tannen (Ed.) Georgetown Roundtable on Languages and Linguistics (pp. 218-228). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Zimmerman, D.H. (1987). Studies in ethnomethodology: Twenty years later. The Discourse Analysis Research Group Newsletter, 3(2), 20-25. [ʷ]
Zimmerman, D.H. (1988). On conversation: The conversation analytic perspective. Communication Yearbook 11 (pp. 406-432). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. [See commentary by D.L. Wieder (1988).]
Zimmerman, D.H., and Boden, D. (forthcoming). Structure-in-action. In D. Boden and D.H. Zimmerman (Eds.) Talk and social structure. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Zimmerman, D.H., and Pollner, M. (1970). The everyday world as a phenomenon. In H. Pepinsky (Ed.) People and information (pp. 33-65). Praeger. [Reprinted in J.D. Douglas (Ed.) (1970). Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge (pp. 80-103). Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co.] [German translation: Die Alltagswelt als Phɮomen. In E. Weingarten, F. Sack, und J. Schenkein (Hrsg.) (1976). Ethnomethodologie (pp. 64-104). Frankfurt, BRD: Suhrkamp.]
Zimmerman, D.H., and West, C. (1975). Sex roles, interruptions and silences in conversation. In B. Thorne and N. Henley (Eds.) Language and sex: Differences and dominance (pp. 105-129). Rowley, MA: Newbury House. [Reprinted in M.A. Lourie and N.F. Conklin (Eds.) (1978). A pluralistic nation: The language issue in the United States (pp. 225-274). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.]
Zimmerman, D.H., and West, C. (Eds.) (1980). Special Issue: Language and social interaction. Sociological Inquiry, 50,(3/4).
Zimmerman, D.H., and Weider, D.L. (1970). Ethnomethodology and the problem of order: Comment on Denzin. In J.D. Douglas (Ed.) Understanding everyday life: Toward the reconstruction of sociological knowledge (pp. 285-298). Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Co.  
Zimmerman, D.H., and Weider, D.L. (1977). You can't help but get stoned: Notes on the social organization of marijuana smoking. Social Problems, 25, 198-207.
(c) B.J.Fehr, J.Stetson, Y.Mizukawa